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Homemade Oat Milk

Can’t you just buy it at the store? Why make your own oat milk? First, homemade oat milk is delicious because you can customize it however you want! Like it thick and creamy? Add less water. Want it light? Add more water. Plus, you can flavor it with things like cocoa powder, berries, or maybe a little peanut butter powder if you’re feeling crazy! Second, store-bought plant milk is fortified with synthetic ingredients and many contain artificial sweeteners which are a no-go for the gut. By making your own, you are in control of your health! Or at least your milk!

Makes: 8, ½ cup servings


1 cup rolled oats

3-4 cups water (use less water for thicker, creamier milk)

1 pinch salt

1 whole date, pitted (optional, or use 1 tablespoon maple syrup)

Optional Flavorings:

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder for “chocolate milk”

¼ cup fresh berries for “berry milk”

1 tablespoon cocoa powder + 1 tablespoon peanut butter powder for “peanut butter chocolate milk”


Add the oats, water, salt, and any optional flavorings to a high-speed blender. Cover it with a towel to ensure it doesn’t splash. Blend for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until the mixture seems well combined. Don’t over-mix! Or the milk will have a slimy consistency!

Test the flavor and adjust as needed.

Pour the mixture over a large mixing bowl or pitcher covered with a very fine towel or a clean t-shirt. This will help to double-strain the mixture. Transfer the milk to a sealed container and refrigerate for up to 5 days. Use on cereals, granolas, or as a coffee creamer. Do not heat the milk or it will become gelatinous.

Original recipe: Minimalist Baker https://minimalistbaker.com/make-oat-milk/#wprm-recipe-container-34628