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3 of My Favorite Podcasts

One thing that I have been asked a lot recently is, “What are your favorite podcasts?” I love podcasts! If you’re not familiar with them, basically, podcasts are like interviews with various experts in their field. Many of the people who put out podcasts interview others, while some just talk about specific topics. You can listen to them while you’re on the go or cozy up with a warm cup of tea and catch up when it works for you.

There are so many to choose from! I would be willing to bet there is a podcast on almost any topic you can think of. The funny thing is that we often think that we are the only person with a specific question, need, or interest. But what I have found is that there is always someone else out there who has the same questions, need, or interest, and usually it’s not just one person! Podcasts prove this! That’s why I love to address questions I receive in a public forum (with details removed, of course, to protect identity). So please remember this - if you have questions, ask! Chances are, someone else out there has the same question! I find this is particularly true for health-related topics.

Ok, back to podcasts….

I love podcasts because they’re free, first and foremost! They are a great way to introduce you to new people and ideas in a no-pressure situation. There’s no need to buy anything or sign up for some funky newsletter. And if you don’t love the episode, go to the next one. This is one of the ways that I have spread my wings and learned so many new things and ideas that I can now incorporate into my wellness coaching practice. 

Today, I thought I would share three of my favorite health and wellness podcasts. These are ones that I listen to pretty regularly. I would encourage you to check them out. Scroll through the episodes until you find one that strikes your fancy. If it’s not your thing, try a different one. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error, as with everything in life!

Here we go!

The Proof https://theproof.com/

Meet Simon Hill, creator of The Proof podcast. Simon is a “physiotherapist, nutritionist, and author on a mission to help people make informed lifestyle choices”, according to his website. Because Simon loves science, the topics he speaks about, as well as those his guests speak about, are all backed by science. He started his sports physiotherapist career working with professional athletes in Australia. If you are interested in building muscle, men’s health, or are an athlete, this is the podcast for you! 

But if you’re just looking for good health and lifestyle information, this is also the podcast for you! All of the information is presented in a very accessible way, which is something that many health podcasts struggle to do. 

Simon’s guests include some of my favorite people and those who influenced my career such as Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, Dr. Dean and Dr. Ayesha Sherza, MD, environmental researcher Nicholas Carter, and ultra-athlete Rich Roll, just to name a few!

Check out episode #17. That’s the first appearance of Dr. B and basically the introduction of gut health to the world! It’s also the episode that launched both of these guys’ virtual careers!! SO GOOD!!!

PLANTSTRONG Podcast https://www.plantstrongpodcast.com/

This podcast is put on by Rip Esselstyn, who has such an interesting story himself. He is a former firefighter who turned his entire firehouse vegan and drastically improved their health. That’s just the tip of his awesomeness! 

This podcast is all about plants! Rip uses science and the expertise of his all-star guests to explain how eating plants can not only helps prevent disease, but in many cases, also can help to reverse it. He is so easy to listen to and provides support no matter where you are on your health journey. 

“Your’re in control! What you put in your body determines your destiny. Not your genetics and not your doctor.” 

That is one of my favorite quotes from Rip. You are going to love him! This would be a great podcast to also share with the men in your life because one of Rip’s passions is debunking the idea that “real men eat meat”. Rip comes from an all-star family in the plant world. Check out the rest of his family, too! 

Some of my favorite guests of the PLANTSTRONG podcast include Chef AJ, Chris Wark of Chris Beat Cancer, John Robbins (yes, one who was next in line to inherit the Baskin Robbins empire but turned down the fortune to focus on plants), Chef Bai, Tony Robbins, and Dr. Dean Ornish, the godfather of lifestyle medicine. Where should you start? I don’t know!!! They are all SO DARN GOOD!! Have fun!

The Party in My Plants Podcast https://partyinmyplants.com/the-podcast/

Are you ready to laugh? Ready to get healthy and not hate your life? Talia Pollock is hilarious and has such amazing guests on her PIMP podcast! Talia has since gone in a different direction professionally, but she is keeping her podcasts up for us to savor. Her take on health is inspirational, accessable, and do-able in this crazy world!

A few of my favorite guests include Dr. B (YES! He’s on EVERYTHING because he’s just that amazing!), Dr. Lauren Cook, cosmic health expert Jenn Racioppi, period expert Nicole Jardim, and the diabetes experts Cyrus Khambatta and Robby Barbaro. This is just the beginning! There are 209 episodes so you have plenty to choose from!

All you women out there, if you don’t know the difference between your follicular phase and your luteal phase (don’t worry, I didn’t either, and I bet most of you don’t either!), start with episode #192. Nicole Jardim will dig into your flow and all things period-related. This is based on her book, “Fix My Period,” which, when someone hands me a billion dollars someday, I’m going to buy a copy for every woman in the world! That’s how much I believe in this book and how much I believe that our medical and education systems have failed us as women. But that’s a topic for another conversation! That’s the episode I would start with, but you do you!

There you go, folks! Pick your favorite, dust off those earbuds, and let’s go garden! Or walk. Or clean. Or whatever you’re up for this week!

What’s your favorite podcast? I’d love to hear it! Head over to The Full Bloom Wellness Lounge, the private Facebook group, and join the conversation!

Have a great week!

Peace, love & kale!
