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Health coaching may be the answer to the question you didn’t know you had

Finding alternative ways to help you solve your health problems is no longer a “want”, it’s a “need”. Health coaching now fits into that category. 

Over the last several years, in particular, it has become clear to many people that there is a major shift taking place. We are no longer satisfied with the status quo of healthcare in this country, and we’re doing something about it. 

We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

We are sick of scheduling doctor appointments 6 months in advance only to be canceled the day before because the doctor is out, overbooked, or whatever BS excuse they give.

We are sick of being charged extra for “long” doctor appointments because our issue takes more than 10 minutes to discuss.

We are sick of being told to “just take a pill”.

We are done with practitioners who do not ask any questions about what we eat or how much we exercise.

We are done with someone giving us medical advice based on a chart that we are not allowed to look at or question.

We are over the general recommendations and want something more personalized. 

We are over being prescribed antibiotics for viral infections or sleeping pills for a mind we cannot quiet.

We are done settling for being a customer of Big Pharma for the rest of our lives.

We are done treating the symptoms and never figuring out the real problem.

We are done.

Why? Because this is the old way and it doesn’t work.

Traditional Western medicine focuses on treating symptoms. There’s more to healthcare than simply looking up a condition on their computer and prescribing whatever pill or pills it says. Each person has a story and that story causes symptoms to show up differently. 

But it needs to be more than simply prescribing a pill. It needs to involve an actual conversation.

We demand HEALTHCARE, not SICKCARE. Which is what our medical system offers. 

Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer rates are up. They are not going down, despite all the new advances in medicine and technology. 

Here’s something I often think about:

With all the new drugs and surgical options available to “treat” heart disease, shouldn’t death rates from the disease be less than it was 10 or 20 years ago? That is not the case. Heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in not just the United States, but other developed countries.

Does that even make sense? Nope! Something smells fishy to me and, I hope, to you, too!

How has no one figured this out yet? Heart disease is mostly preventable and, in many cases, reversible. It is not a death sentence. It’s your body’s desperate attempts to try to get your attention. Something’s wrong!! Help!!

We know that the food you eat and the way you live your life can turn diseases on and off. Sounds far out there, doesn’t it? It’s not. It’s not a new concept and it’s not new to alternative practitioners. We’ve known this fact for over 20 years! But your doctor isn’t talking to you about that, are they?

Disease is a big business. Look at the cancer industry. Yes, it’s an industry. They are making money just like any other business. 

I could take this article in a few directions, but I’m going to go back to my original point before I go too far down the Big-C rabbit hole!

Finding alternative ways to help you solve your health problems is no longer a “want”, it’s a “need”. Health coaching now fits into that category. 

The answer to this health conundrum we find ourselves in is to look outside of the system. If what we’ve been doing for the last century isn’t working, we need to look somewhere else. 

To do this, we need to look waaaay back to traditional healing systems. Those systems, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda from India have been practiced for thousands of years. They both focus on using food and plants as medicine. They both also focus on lifestyle. The two go hand in hand.

Let me be clear, you cannot and should not be having a conversation with any practitioner about your health without talking about what you are eating and how you are living your life. Period.

Why doesn’t our healthcare system look at food the same way? 

Easy. You can’t patent nature and if you can’t patent a solution to someone’s problem, you can’t drive up the price and create demand for said solution. 

There is medicine all around you. 

The sun, fresh air, microbes living in the soil, weeds such as dandelion, oats, trees such as hawthorn, bushes such as elderberry, and I could go on and on. Not to mention, the Earth’s frequency. 

Healing power is all around us. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS?

I’m talking about this. Others are talking about this. But you need to look outside of the traditional medical system.

Every bite of food we eat either contributes to good health or it contributes to disease. There’s no in between.

The problem we face today, ok, we face many problems today, but the main problem we face today is that we have outsourced our health to various industries. We no longer hold ourselves accountable for our own health problems. It’s easier to just pass it off to someone else and adopt the mindset of, “If something’s wrong, someone will tell me and then fix it for me.”

News flash: No one is going to tell you until it’s too late. Unless you look at alternatives.

Let's take a look at digestion. 

Did you know that poor digestion can lead to conditions such as heart disease, autoimmune conditions, obesity, and type 2 diabetes? But no one is talking about it! (again, I’m talking about it!)

Why? The solution to good digestion isn’t in a pill, it’s the way you live your life and Big Pharma can’t patent that. 

If we clean up your digestion, there may not be a need for Big Pharma at all! They can’t have that, now can they?!

So, it’s our job now to change the way we think about our own health. It’s time to start taking responsibility for our own health because no one is going to come to save you!

We can do this by looking for alternative therapies. 

“Alternative therapies” is a term that Big Pharma has slapped on anything that is outside of writing prescriptions for their drugs. These therapies include practitioners like chiropractors, nutritionists, health coaches, massage therapists, naturopaths, aromatherapists, acupuncturists, personal trainers, and in many cases, physical therapists. 

All these professions approach health differently than your doctor. You will find some more traditional Western medical-minded people in all these areas. That’s not a bad thing, or a good thing. Everyone has their own approach. But most of us chose to get out of the medical system because it was no longer serving us or our clients. We knew there had to be a better way.

And there is!

Seeking alternative care puts you in the driver’s seat. There are so many amazing technologies and tools out there, many of which work just as well or better than what your doctor can offer. But it’s also important to note, ALL of them will help make whatever your doctor has to offer BETTER because they address the whole person, not simply covering up symptoms.

One final point, I’m not “anti-Western medicine”. Not at all. The United States has the best acute care in the world, meaning they have figured out how to treat the things that are immediate threats to life such as car accidents, severe burns, broken bones, or allergic reactions. There are some things this system does very well. Preventing diseases just isn’t one of them.

But our medical system has a long way to go in terms of preventing disease. The solution to what ails you may be a combination of Western medicine and alternative therapies. Great! It may be 100% alternative therapies. Great! It may even be 100% Western medicine. Great! 

You need to do what is best for you. 

But I challenge you, is it possible that your doctor doesn’t know everything there is to know about you or your condition? Could there be a different, less invasive or less dangerous approach? Are there things you can be doing now so you don’t have to deal with that particular disease later in life?

Sometimes, it’s difficult to imagine what we have never experienced. But if you give it a chance, seeking alternative therapies may just blow your mind with all we have to offer!

Our healthcare system is not working in our best interest. If you’re as sick and tired of it as I am, let’s jump on a call. I would love to hear about your health goals or what you’re struggling with. And if it’s something I think I can help with, I’ll let you know my plan. There’s no harm in a simple phone call, is there? Click the button below to get started!