Full Bloom Acres

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It’s starting to look a lot like…sugar season!

Let’s just say it, the holidays are tough when you’re trying to eat healthy. There are cookies, candy, and alcohol EVERYWHERE! There’s even candy on the pine trees!

Every gathering seems to be a competition for who can eat and drink the most. And every day after those gatherings feels like something out of a horror movie. 

Your liver is calling…it needs a break!

How about we do things a bit differently this year?

How about instead of stuffing ourselves silly every chance we get, we make things a little easier on our digestive system?

I’m in. Are you?!

Now go…..do it!!!

Just kidding. That won’t work, now will it?

You need a plan.

If only you knew someone who could scour the internet looking for delicious, festive recipes that are actually good for you (well, mostly good for you!).

If only you didn’t have to do all that work yourself. It sounds exhausting, right? You have enough to do!

If only….

Hi, I’m Lindsay. I spend my days scouring the internet for delicious, festive, mostly healthy recipes so you don’t have to. I love this stuff! So let me do it for you!

And I just so happen to have put together an ebook filled with festive mocktails and small bite recipes. Even better? I’m giving it to you for FREE! 

Here’s the scoop…I wanted to focus on the things that seem to trip us up the most - alcohol and snacks. I would LOVE to do a total overhaul of your entire holiday meal, but let’s just take things one step at a time, shall we?

What is lurking in all those pretty, jewel-toned drinks and mouth-watering plates is often sugar, sugar, and more sugar topped with an alarmingly large scoop of fat! Sugar and fat are two things that are no bueno for your gut. 

We’re talking weight gain, insulin resistance, constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities, acne, weird rashes, and brain fog all the live-long day. And those are just some of the immediate effects!

This year, avoid the sugar coma and try some of these delicious recipes instead! 

There are plenty to choose from and they all would make great dishes to pass or drinks to serve en masse at your parties. The small-bite recipes would even be great to make ahead of time and have in your fridge ready to be reheated whenever you need a little break from the hustle, bustle, and sugar. Or serve them as side dishes or snacks.

So please, enjoy this free gift as my way of helping the 39 trillion microbes living in your gut. I now work for them and they requested these recipes! Give ‘em what they want so you can actually enjoy this magical time of year!!