Full Bloom Acres

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Ready to get my spring on

I love the change of the seasons. Each one is so very different from the last (usually! I mean, it is Wisconsin after all!). And each one brings a new beginning. There’s a sense of renewal in the air. The buds on the trees are popping. The irises are starting to poke through the dead leaves. And everything smells like dirt! There is so much I’m looking forward to this spring it was hard to narrow it down to just five! But here’s my list! I would love to hear your top five!

1. The food.

Throughout winter, we eat heavy, warm, rich meals to keep us comfortable and satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I love roasted veggies and warm casseroles! But once the weather shows signs of warming up, my body starts to crave lighter, more fresh foods. Having a sensitive tummy means I have to transition slowly. Raw food can be especially difficult for those of us with digestive issues to digest. There’s more raw fiber and cooking helps to start the digestive process for us which means less work for the body. 

I eagerly await the first harvest of the spring crops. Radishes, baby greens, green onions (the sweet kind, not the onion-y ones!), and asparagus. Oh, the asparagus!!! It’s only around for a few weeks so we enjoy it as much as we can! Living in the middle of an asparagus patch that’s gone array has its perks! 

Spring also means that farmer’s markets will soon be opening. There’s nothing better than fresh veggies! If I can’t grow them myself, I try my best to get everything I need from the farmer’s market or local farm stand. There’s no comparison between a fresh vegetable and one from the grocery store!

2. Killer sunsets and sunrises.

We are lucky enough to see both sunsets and sunrises from the farm. The bright red glow of the morning sun just on the horizon is enough to take my breath away. And now, with the new alpaca hangout, seeing them watch the sunrises, too, is simply amazing! It almost feels as though they are soaking up the magic just as much as I am!

Ending the days with a beautiful sunset is the perfect way to cap off wildly productive days. There’s something in the stillness that calms everything. The songbirds add a gentle ambiance to the air. I think the real magic is that the colors are there for only a few minutes. Then they’re gone. Sometimes there’s not even enough time to run up to the balcony where we have the best view. Next time we say, knowing we just missed something spectacular.

3. Earthworms.

I love the spring rains. The sound, the smell, and especially, the way it brings out the earthworms. Seeing those little guys crawling over the pavement reminds me that there’s so much more to this world than just us humans. 

I am fascinated with dirt. Worms play a big role in the health of the soil. You know you have healthy soil when it’s full of worms! Not to mention, they make wonderful snacks for all our bird friends out there! It’s gross, but it’s part of life!

4. Sitting on our deck.

As soon as possible, I move my office outdoors to our deck. Sometimes it’s way too cold so I bring a blanket and put on my winter hat and coat. I’ve already been out there a few times, and yes, I was wearing mittens! Being outdoors is so freeing. It makes work days go by much faster and gives my eyes a much-needed break! Staring at a computer screen all day long is not good for me or my eyes. Luckily, when you’re already outside, it’s easy to take little breaks from the screen and look off in the distance at whatever creature is frolicking through the woods. 

This spring, I’m especially excited to take it outside because our deck overlooks the animal pastures. When Craig finishes the deck on the small barn, the one directly over one of the pastures, that will become my new home for the next 4-5 months! I can see my productivity level going way down!! Ha! There’s nothing more distracting than watching baby mini donkeys run around and play with each other as puppies do! Try it sometime! You won’t be disappointed! 

5. Growing Full Bloom Acres!

This spring will be a little different for me. It will mark the one-year mark of Full Bloom Acres being open and working with clients! This has been a dream of mine for the past several years and last year, at the height of the pandemic, it became a reality! 

Although my business looks nothing like it did in my head, or on my business plan when I graduated, I love where it has taken me! I have learned so much about running a business, not to mention, I have become a master digital marketer! Ok, maybe not “master” but I’ve become pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself! Learning all these programs has not been easy, not to mention, going into this, I would in no way have considered myself knowledgeable about graphic design. That was the one class during my undergrad that I knew I did not want to take further. (I preferred making the colors, not just clicking a button! There’s obviously a lot more to graphic design than that, but at the time, that was my line of thinking!)

There’s so much I have planned for this spring, it’s making my head spin! Two new courses are in the works, one which is pretty close to launching. New partnerships with local businesses are coming to fruition which is resulting in some new services that will target businesses specifically. I am also hoping to offer some classes on the farm this summer, which involves lots of planning, content creation, and Craig completing my “classroom” (aka the rec room! I’m not sure why he thought he was turning the barn into a rec room. Let’s be honest! It’s obviously a classroom!).

But what I’m most excited about is my open house!! Yep! We’re in the process of planning an open house on the farm to showcase my services, meet the animals of Full Bloom Acres, and have a fun celebration! This was supposed to happen last summer, but you know…. More details will be coming soon. I should probably nail down a date before I order the food and schedule the on-site wine tasting….. 

Well, that’s my spring in a nutshell! There’s so much more I’m looking forward to, but I will save you the agony of reading more! 

Hopefully, it’s a warm, sunny day when you are reading this! Take some time to get outside and soak up the fresh air! See you again soon!

Peace, love & kale!
