Full Bloom Acres

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There’s nothing worse when you’re in a packed elevator and….

We’ve all been there….

Standing in a packed elevator and we feel some rumbling in our stomachs. Uh oh. You know the feeling. 

You quickly run through every food you’ve had in the last 24 hours and what could have upset your stomach….

You look your fellow riders up and down and size them up for who you could politely blame it on….

You wrestle through every object in your purse to make as much noise as possible to cover what’s coming….

You start talking or coughing to create more cover….

That emergency stop button is looking pretty good right about now….

We all know how this ends. Unfortunately, for many people, this is all too common. I’ve talked to several people who avoid elevators and other enclosed spaces with other people out of fear of their bodies doing something “unspeakable”.

Sure, it could happen to anyone at any time. Isn’t the human body a beautiful miracle? Lol.

But here’s where things get a bit dicey for many folks. 

When you live in a state of constant fear because you never know when your stomach will act up, there’s a problem. For many people, horrible digestive issues, such as gas and urgent diarrhea is the norm. 

(And BTW, I used to work in retail and I can tell you, there is no shortage of “mishaps” that happen in public spaces and public restrooms. 😳)

This is a problem. 

You shouldn’t have to live like this. Being in control of your bodily functions should not be reserved for the *select* few. But if you’re not one of those, it sure feels like you were dealt the short end of the stick!

No more!

Digestive issues are all too common these days. I was shocked when I ran my first group coaching program of over 100 people. Almost half of the participants told me at some point during the program that they were suffering from extreme gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. 

I would be willing to bet that the number of people in that group suffering from digestive issues was much higher than 50%. Why? Because almost everyone I talk to says they have some form of digestive distress. 

But we’re taught that these issues are not polite to talk about so most of us suffer in silence.

We’re taught it’s not “lady-like” to talk about what goes on in the bathroom.

Plus, it’s awkward to bring up these concerns to your doctor. Everyone has gas or is bloated once in a while. Your doc will most likely tell you it was something you ate.


If you stopped eating, you would stop pooping. And that, my friend, leads to another serious condition that we in the biz call death.

If you’re not pooping, you’re dying!

How do you know if your tummy troubles are “just something you ate” or are a more serious issue?

The rule of thumb I use is that if the issue happens more than once a week, it very likely could mean something’s up with your digestive system.

Food intolerances are just one cause of digestive distress. A food intolerance is when you have symptoms, such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, rashes, ect, from eating a certain food or group of foods. Let me be crystal clear here, a food intolerance is not the problem, it is a symptom of a problem. And that problem is what I help people figure out.

This usually comes down to food not being digested properly for some reason. For some people, it could be their anatomy (those who have had part of their colon, small intestine, gallbladder, pancreas, or stomach removed). For most others, it’s from damage to their digestive system. 

I know what you’re thinking…. “This sounds complicated. It’s easier to just take Tums constantly.”

What if the solution was simple? 

It can be. It is possible to keep the solution to most digestive issues simple. 

You don’t need to do all the research, learn a new program, or create an entirely new meal plan. That’s what I do! I do the heavy lifting!

When someone comes to me with gas and bloating concerns, I first take them through an assessment that helps us narrow down where the problem could be originating. 

Then we look to identify what foods or behaviors may be contributing to the situation and changing those. Sometimes I recommend food intolerance testing or other testing.

Once we know what’s going on and what’s the cause, then we can work to rebuild strength in the body. 

My goal with my gassy and bloated friends is to help them learn to love food again. It’s so difficult to enjoy eating when it makes you feel like crap. 

Most people can ditch their dependence on Tums and Gas-x within the first few weeks by making some simple tweaks to the food they eat. Talk about immediate relief! 

When you digest your food properly, your life changes.

You have more energy.

You feel full and satisfied instead of fighting snacky cravings all day. 

You lose the extra weight you’ve been carrying around for years.

You can think clearly and sleep through the night.

You are much more pleasant to be around *without needing a gas mask* and everyone around you is happier.

Acne dwindles and joint pain lessens. 

Many people can reduce medications.

And you no longer fear social gatherings or look to ensure a plunger is nearby. 

As I said, your life completely changes.

It is possible and I can help you do it. 

Let’s get you digesting your food properly!

The first step in resolving gas and bloating is to knock out the “low-hanging fruit” if you will. What the….? There are so many tiny tweaks you can make to your everyday life that can impact gas and bloating in a major way. These are the things I have my clients do first before we make any major changes and really start digging. The best part, most of these are completely FREE or very low-cost options.

For many, one or two of these tweaks may be all they need to feel better. But let me be clear, there may be a deeper reason why the gas and bloating are happening in the first place. In those cases, tweaks may not help, or they may help for a bit but then you find yourself back to square one. That’s when you need to call me. That means there’s more to it and it’s time for me to put on my detective hat!

Sooooo, step 1, download my FREE ebook on gas and bloating. Step 2, USE IT. Then, step 3, if there’s more to your situation, contact me, and let’s figure out a plan.

Think of this ebook as a free coaching session with me (a $154 value!). I’m going to have you do these things anyways, let’s get started now! Download it for free below: