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Welcome to Survival Mode

I have spent the last few weeks trying to figure out the best way to help people during this strange time we are in. I have been creating posts and going about my day as if everything is “normal”. But the truth is, none of this is normal. Some days are fine but other days it’s easier to just break down in tears yearning for life “before”. I feel like we are in some weird mix of a Stephen King movie and the Handmaid’s Tale (luckily, though, without all the sex slavery!). The face masks being advertised from big retailers look a little too much like the “new and improved” masks that handmaids on the East Coast were forced to wear so no one would see that their jaws were wired shut. To be honest, that’s a bit how I feel these days. If you missed last season’s finale, by the way, now is not the time to watch it!

I am trying to remain optimistic, but some days are much more difficult than others. Who do you trust? Who is really looking out for your best interest? It’s scary and it’s infuriating. We seem to have lost all sense of freedom and we are desperately hoping it is for a good reason. But at the end of the day, this is still America and things could be a lot worse. The reality is that there is only one person looking out for your best interest, and that needs to be YOU. This is not a new idea, not something that suddenly shifted with this virus. We need to realize that now more than ever.

After all the time I have spent trying to decide where to take my new business, it has become very clear to me. My purpose and the only way I can help you right now is to be your ally in taking charge of your health. Because YOU are all YOU can count on right now!

Without getting too much into politics and by trying to avoid words that will likely get this content censored, I think it is pretty safe to say that I do not want things to get back to “normal”. At least not to the normal I had before March 17, 2020 (which is the date the residents and small businesses of Wisconsin were locked down – yes, I know, that is not the PC term, but we’re being honest here, so let’s call it what it is). Our healthcare system is a mess and should really be called “sick-care”. Our food supply is dangerous and is killing people. Our government is corrupt no matter how you look at it. We entrust everyone else to take care of us and to tell us what is “best”. In the process, we give up all personal responsibility, and that is not ok. But our time is now. This is it. Let’s not lose this chance!

We have one body and one opportunity to do this thing called life. We need to take control. I know that changing the food supply or the healthcare system will not happen overnight since those are two MASSIVE problems. But there is something that each of us can do and together it will make a BIG difference. What is it? You’re thinking I’m going to say the answer is kale, aren’t you?! But actually, yes! Kale! Kale is the answer!

The basis of what I am proposing is that we need to make some MASSIVE changes to improve our health. It’s no secret that the healthier you are, the better your immune system can fight off invaders, cope with stress, and keep you healthy. Of course, things can always go wrong no matter how healthy you are, but what I am saying is that you have a better chance of NOT getting sick if you are healthy. Let’s take our health into our own hands!

We are a nation of sick people. Our healthcare system focuses on managing symptoms, NOT preventing illness. The US excels in acute care. With an injury from a car accident or if I accidentally cut off a limb, there is no doubt that I want to be a patient of our Western Medical system. But what I have learned through my personal experience as well as through my schooling is that this is not a true form of “healthcare”. Our goal, and by “our” I am referring to each and every person in this country, should be to avoid going into the healthcare system in the first place. If we could prevent things like heart disease, stroke, cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, and respiratory infections rather than becoming a lifelong patient of the pharmaceutical industry, isn’t that the better option?

For me, that’s a no brainer. Is it easy? No. Is it quick? Sort of. Is it expensive? Not at all compared to the lifelong cost of disease. Is it necessary? Absolutely. So, here is what I am getting at. We need to make MASSIVE changes and take back our health. Am I saying you need to give up meat and become vegan overnight? No. (Not unless you want to, and if you are ready for that, HOORAY! I’m your girl. That is exactly what I did 10 years ago.) But we all need to do something. Sitting silently is no longer an option. Welcome to survival mode.

I challenge each and every one of you to think about your health. What is the one thing that needs a tune-up? What is something you have been struggling with? What MASSIVE change are you ready to make? Think about it. This is big. But it is exactly what we need right now. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to go back to the same world we lived in a few months ago. I want something better! This is our chance! We’ll talk more soon. Stay tuned!

So, on that happy note, I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine! Here’s a pic of me and Chloe working out on the deck and getting our vitamin D. (I figured this was a better picture to use instead of the scary Handmaid’s Tale mask! You’re welcome.)

Peace, love & kale!
