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Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Let’s talk about the small but mighty chia seed! This seed has quite an interesting history. It dates back to the Aztecs and is very common in Latin America. It has gained popularity in the United States over the past few years and is now considered a “Superfood” due to its high fiber, antioxidant, and omega-3 fatty acid content.

Chia seeds can be used in many ways. But it is recommended to soak the seeds before you use them to help with the digestion processes. When soaked, chia seeds form a gel which is why they are often used as a thickener in vegan baking and smoothies.

Makes: 2 servings


1 cup full-fat coconut milk (the kind in a can)

2 tablespoons instant coffee or instant espresso

2 tablespoons chia seeds

1 tablespoon vanilla

¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

2 teaspoon cinnamon

Additional optional toppings: berries, banana, pineapple, or nuts.


In a medium bowl, soak chia seeds in milk for several minutes to thicken. Stir in coffee, vanilla and cocoa powder. Place pudding in the fridge so it continues to thicken for a few hours or overnight.

To serve, sprinkle with cinnamon. If desired, top with fruit or nuts.