From taking a nap on the side
of the freeway
to teaching people how to poop every day:
This is the story of how I got here.
Hey you!
I know you’re here because you are searching for a simple solution to your health concerns.
You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired every day, trying to pack more and more into your life.
The bloating that won’t stop.
The diarrhea or constipation is brought on by every damn thing you eat.
The headaches, tummy aches, joint aches, body aches, and so much pain.
You’re frazzled, confused about what to do next, and feel abandoned by your doctors.
No one told you that it would be SO difficult to figure out what to eat, for the rest of your life.
How can the simple act of eating cause so much distress? It’s like an all-out war in your colon… but you’re not on the winning side, are you?
And all those other mouths you’re responsible for feeding? How can you possibly feed the kiddos healthy meals if you can’t even figure out what to eat without blowing up like a balloon yourself?!
If you don’t deal with those embarrassing, painful, and annoying digestive issues soon, you’re going to give up and resort to eating the cabbage soup diet for the rest of your life…
Or maybe just give in and be on 12 different medications until the end of time.
Here’s the good news…
I’ve been there and I know exactly how to help you out of this mess.
I’ve helped hundreds of women just like you eat the foods they love without feeling like sh*t.
And no, it doesn’t involve cabbage soup! (Although, I do have a killer purple cabbage soup recipe that will change your life! Just sayin’...)
Remember when I told you, I went from taking a nap on the side of the freeway to teaching people how to poop?
Here’s the short version of a very long story…
Through a weird series of random health issues, I found myself so exhausted that I resorted to taking a nap on the side of the freeway after almost falling asleep behind the wheel.
Spoiler alert: Falling asleep behind the wheel is no joke.
Thumbs down.
Do not recommend.
It was the middle of the day, just like today, filled with meetings, phone calls, and terrible digestive issues. Not to mention, what felt like zero sleep for more nights than I could count.
It was a bad combo.
This scary experience reluctantly landed me in my doctor’s office, where I desperately pleaded my case that something was wrong. But on paper, I was completely healthy.
In reality, I knew something was not right.
Being offered no solutions from my doctor, I took matters into my own hands.
Through self-diagnosing and DYI-ing my health (again, thumbs down, do not recommend), I wasted thousands of dollars and an insane amount of time trying to figure it out.
Grasping at any straw I could find, I took all the courses. Read all the books. Eliminated all the foods. AND tried all the weird supplements…
(Have you ever slammed shot glasses of pure aloe juice? OMG. BIG thumbs down! Eek.)
The prize I won for throwing all the kale at the wall to see what would stick was NOT a healthy digestive system.
It was confusion and, worse of all, shame. It felt like I was on a neverending Tilt-a-Whirl ride where the guy next to me was losing his lunch…and his pants.
I was more confused than when I started.
And I was ashamed because I thought as a reasonable intelligent human, I should be able to figure out what to eat.
I mean, it’s just eating! Next to breathing, it’s the most basic human need. It couldn’t be this difficult, could it?
Double ugh.
Two things became very clear to me:
First, I desperately wanted to help other people sort through all this craziness. I’ve been a coach my entire life. Maybe I could do some sort of “health coaching” thing?
If I was confused, I’m sure most of the other humans were also confused.
Second, before I could change the world, I needed to figure out my own mess of a digestive system once and for all. I needed help.
So I enrolled in grad school.
Now, that’s probably not the solution most people would make, but it made sense to me.
If I was going to help other people do this, I wanted to go all in.
I made it my mission to change the world.
Fast-forward to today…
I’m doing exactly that for my clients, each and every day.
The vision for this little health coaching business of mine is to simplify health for busy, stressed-to-the-max women. I’ve set out on a mission to change the world, one colon at a time.
I believe that each and every one of us deserves to understand how our beautiful bodies work and what to put in them. I believe we have been decieved and confused for far too long.
Knowing what to eat should not require an advanced degree!
It’s time to stand up against Big Pharma and Big Ag and start taking our control back. My goal for each women I work with is to empower her to step away from being another statistic and instead, live life on purpose and with conviction.
I want you eating the foods you love without feeling like shit, because when you no longer feel terrible every day, I know you will be able to change the world, too.
And this world needs more changers right about now…
Can I get a kale yeah?!
But back to changing you first.
I’ve helped hundreds of women eat the foods they love without feeling like shit. I can do it for you too, all you need to do is take the first step.
No fluff.
No promises for a quick fix.
It will be tough and it will take hard work. But you’re a tough cookie and that’s how we make lasting change.
You didn’t get here overnight. It’s going to take some time to get out of it.
The best news of the day is that you don’t have to do it alone. I’ll be by your side the entire time. I’ll be your guide, cheerleader, and sounding board.
No advanced degree required on your end. Leave the technical stuff to me.
Hell, you don’t even have to eat kale. I’ll still help you.
Let’s get going!
“Amazing! It’s impressive how the small changes I’ve made this month have had such a noticeable difference in my overall being.
I feel more energetic! Sleeping better, less inflammation in my shoulders and foot, I found ‘why’ I’m doing this.”
— Linda
Be like Linda.
Schedule your FREE consultation call and let’s talk.
You’ll leave the call with:
Clarity that there is a solution to your exact problem.
Confidence that you know the exact steps to take next on your health journey.
Calmness and a sense of peace knowing that you don’t have to do this alone.
I can’t wait to see your name on my calendar, dear friend!
Let’s get started!
I’m here to help you one step at a time. No more trying to figure this all out on your own. The first step is for you to schedule your FREE consultation call with me. These 50 minutes will change your life, but only if you’re into that sort of thing!
The Important Stuff:
Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition (MSHN) from the American College of Healthcare Sciences
Certified Gut Health Practitioner
Certified Plant-Based Chef (not the restauranty kind, just the kind that knows how to cook killer food)
Certified Essential Oil Coach (a bi-product of self-diagnosing)
Graduate Certificates in Herbalism, Anatomy and Physiology, Wellness Coaching, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (also bi-products of self-diagnosing)
Bemidji Community Food Shelf Board of Directors Member
7 years as an Employment Consultant for people with disabilities
Farm animal advocate and rescuer
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Minnesota State University Mankato (that art degree is sure coming in handy!)
Big Kale’s self-appointed PR person (I’m trying hard to make this a real thing…)
Top Strengths: Empathetic, compassionate, stubborn, unbelievable patience, a dreamer
Greatest Weakness: Difficult to manage (which is why I started my own business!)
Curious about what I do when I’m not talking about gut health? My husband and I rescue farm animals. We started in 2020 and currently have around 30 animals on our small rural farm in the Northwoods of Minnesota. Together, we love all things outdoors. On Sundays, you’ll find me whipping up a batch of homemade veggie broth, kayaking, hiking, gardening, or blending my own herbal teas. You can check out the animals of the Full Bloom Acres Sanctuary here…