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Do I really need my gallbladder?

Do I really need my gallbladder?


I’m a firm believer that there aren’t any “unnecessary” parts of the human. Well, maybe that teeny-tiny baby toe. But I’m sure that guy helps with balance in some way or another…so I guess he doesn’t count.

Yes, you need your appendix.

Yes, you need your tonsils.

And yes, you need your gallbladder.

All your organs serve a purpose. Are they all essential to your survival? No. But without them, you are put at a disadvantage. 

Just like coffee and chocolate aren’t essential to your survival but…

Your appendix is thought to be a haven for necessary gut bugs that are useful in fighting off infection. Although sometimes necessary, removing the appendix is often a preventative surgery. Many experts have questioned this approach and wondered if removing the appendix leads to a greater risk of infection or other health implications.

Your tonsils (along with their cousins, your adenoids) are part of the immune system. Located in the back of your throat, they are the body’s first line of defense against the pathogens coming into your body through your nose and throat. Just like your appendix, removing your tonsils is sometimes necessary, however, there are still consequences to doing so. Your immune system takes a hit, especially as a kiddo when your immune system isn’t yet fully developed.

That brings us to the gallbladder.

Your gallbladder is a major player in your digestive tract. It helps to digest and absorb fat. This small, pear-shaped organ also helps your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K as well as cholesterol. One function of the gallbladder that is commonly overlooked is its role in keeping the digestive tract clean. 

Ummm….sounds pretty necessary to me, right?!

And that’s what we’re here to talk about today.

The gallbladder stores bile, which is produced in the liver, and hangs out there until you need to digest or absorb fat. So without a gallbladder, you’re not able to store bile. It just goes right into your intestines. 

Bile is antibacterial. Along with stomach acid and enzymes secreted from the pancreas, these three “juices” help keep the intestines, especially the small intestines, clear of pesky bacteria trying to make your system their home.

So, what do the appendix, tonsils, and gallbladder have in common?

They are three organs deemed as “unnecessary” by Western medicine. 

When one of these “unnecessary” organs is removed, again, sometimes removal is completely needed, you are put at a disadvantage. Most doctors, in my experience, don’t think twice about the consequences of removing these organs. It’s rarely ever talked about again.

Back to the gallbladder…

Yes, you can live without your gallbladder. But, your ability to digest fat and absorb nutrients is severely compromised. Other areas of your body have to step up to pick up the slack. And sometimes, that creates issues.

Let’s look at a real-life example from my health coaching practice.

My client Darcy came to me experiencing the following issues:

  • Stomach upset easily

  • Burping, bloating, and feeling full right after eating

  • Body odor

  • Taking antacids and PPI for indigestion and heartburn

  • Painful gas, bloating, nausea, and constipation

  • Trouble digesting food containing fats and oils

  • Food sensitivities

Darcy had her gallbladder removed a few years prior to working with me. She had tried everything to lose weight but couldn’t. She was frustrated and felt like she ate pretty healthy most of the time. Everything seemed to give her digestive issues.

Darcy had given up because nothing seemed to help. For years, she suffered in silence because her family was sick of hearing her complain about having zero energy and feeling like sh*t.

Then she decided to give health coaching a try. And Darcy’s life changed.

What did we do?

First, Darcy completed a comprehensive at-home stool test. When we received the results, I noticed patterns that suggested low stomach acid and bacterial overgrowth.

Second, Darcy completed a breath test for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) which was positive. This meant there were bacteria camping out in her small intestine that shouldn’t be there.

Third, we got to work identifying foods that were triggering Darcy’s symptoms and removed those foods as well as any added sugar from her life. We starved off those bad gut bugs!

Fourth, I developed a targeted supplement protocol to support Darcy’s ability to remove unwanted bacteria and pathogens from her body. This included specific probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, digestive bitters, fiber, and other herbal formulas. 

Finally, Darcy made some adjustments to her lifestyle which supported good digestion such as sitting down to eat instead of eating while working or driving and thoroughly chewing her food. Darcy also began drinking more water and electrolytes to balance her body.

During these 6 months, I guided Darcy through all these changes. We pivoted when needed and readjusted when she began to fall back into old habits. 

The most important piece to Darcy’s support protocol was focusing on the job her long-gone gallbladder was no longer doing. If you don’t have a gallbladder, you MUST use supplements to help digest fat and absorb nutrients. This is my favorite digestive enzyme and this is my favorite gallbladder support (bonus - this one also helps nutritionally support the body to lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar!

Where is Darcy now?

Almost immediately, Darcy’s heartburn, indigestion, and constipation disappeared. Darcy lost 12 pounds within the first month and her period was virtually pain-free by month two. The body odor, difficulty digesting food, low energy, irritability, and food sensitivities also decreased and eventually became non-existent. 

Today, Darcy and her family of young kiddos enjoy healthy, delicious meals together that leave everyone energized and ready to enjoy life. 

Bottom line…

No, the gallbladder is not necessary for you to live, but it makes living a lot less painful and annoying!

Getting a personalized supplement, dietary, and lifestyle program is a game-changer if you feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun to resolve your painful and embarrassing digestive issues. 

But for anyone without a gallbladder, I strongly encourage you to look into a digestive enzyme such as this one and a gallbladder support such as this one. The difference these small capsules can make in your digestion may just blow your mind.

I can help you further develop a personalized program just for you and your exact health situation. The first step to having me as your guide is to schedule your FREE consultation call. You can do that by clicking this link or clicking the button below.

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