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Looking at the world through gut-colored glasses

“My goals have nothing to do with digestive issues. Can you still help me?”

I get this question all the time on Discovery Calls and while out and about having conversations with real humans. 

When people hear that I’m a “gut health practitioner”, they often wonder why I’m wasting their time talking to them. They want to lose weight or improve energy, not learn about digesting food!

“I poop just fine.” They might not say that, but reading between the lines, that’s what they’re thinking. The other thing they might be thinking is, “I don’t want to talk about poop.” That’s fair. It’s a weird thing to talk about because, especially as women, we’re taught that it’s not “lady-like” or it’s immature or disgusting to talk about this bodily function. 

It’s weird, though, there’s not one human being that doesn’t create waste and needs to get it out of their body. In fact, there’s not one living thing on this planet, at least not that I’m aware of, that doesn’t create some form of waste. By not talking about it, we’re missing out on some valuable information about what’s going on inside.

Ok, now that we cleared that up, let’s dive into the other hesitation. “My goals don’t have anything to do with digestive issues. Can you still help me?”


A thousand times YES!!! I can help you!!

Digesting your food is not only important for good overall health, it’s REQUIRED to keep living. If you’re not digesting your food, you will die. There are no if’s, and’s, or butt’s about it. (Yes, that was intentional….if you can’t joke about it, we’re not going to get very far…🤣)

No matter your health goals, I can almost guarantee that the road to success is through your gut. 

Everything you want to do in life will be better, easier, and more rewarding if you become a food digesting super-star!!! 

We know that undigested food in the body can cause things like Celiac Disease, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions. So, if your goals involve any of those things, a gut-centered approach will definitely be beneficial.

Now, I want to also point out something that seems really obvious, but it is often not. 

If you could do this yourself, you wouldn’t need me.

If you are contacting me for help, more than likely you have tried several different approaches yourself or with other practitioners. I am rarely the first phone call! Which is unfortunate because I could save you a lot of time, frustration, and money!

Our human brains want to keep us safe and asking for or seeking out help makes most of us feel vulnerable. I can totally relate to that! To say that asking for help is not one of my strengths is a serious understatement!

Here’s the thing, if you have worked with other practitioners or tried different things on your own, my guess is that you probably have not approached your issues through the gut-health lens. It’s difficult to do on your own because there’s so much misleading and contradictory information out there that it’s difficult to know where to start. Tackling gut issues is not for the faint of heart! It’s tough and it’s complicated!


What’s the point of doing another program or trying another thing that uses the same approach? Going back to Weight Watchers or signing up for another gym membership when those things haven’t worked for you in the past isn’t going to magically work this time.

If your mindset hasn't changed, the outcome isn’t going to change. At least not long term. This is why so many of us throw our new year’s resolutions out the window by February. 

So, how is a gut-centered approach different?

First, it will get your body to digest your food better. Like I said before, if you’re not digesting your food, nothing else downstream matters. You could eat all the plants in the world, but if the nutrients from those plants are not being digested and absorbed, it doesn’t matter. It’s kinda like buying a gym membership but never actually going to the gym. It’s not going to work!

Second, after we figure out what might be causing the issues, we can make changes to better support your body. I help my clients do this by learning what areas of the body could use some extra love and then planning a way to make that happen. Easy-peasy.

Finally, what’s the point of doing all this if you can’t stick to it? That’s where most programs fall short. I help my clients learn to do all of this in real life. How do you navigate the holidays, social events, and changes in life situations? How do you do all this outside the comfort of your at-home bubble? That’s the secret sauce to my client’s success. 

So, to put things simply, no matter your goal or health concern, I would be willing to bet that it could be improved by looking at your gut health. 

Plus, did you know that you can be constipated and still poop every day? Or that you can be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time? Or that those weird, seemingly unrelated symptoms could stem from an unbalanced gut microbiome? A few things to think about…

Interested in how this all could apply to you and your big goals? Let’s talk! Click the button below to download your FREE gut health ebook and learn more about my coaching programs. I would love to help you live your best life, one bite at a time!