
It’s a red flag! Are you listening?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

It’s a red flag! Are you listening?

The human body is amazing. One miraculous thing the human body can do is tell us when something is wrong. For the most part, when something is going on inside that’s not quite right, the body will send out red flags to let us know it needs help. The problem is, we often don’t listen to or recognize these calls for help. Let’s take a look at high blood pressure.

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Fat cells do WHAT?!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Fat cells do WHAT?!

Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, but diabetes seems to be really misunderstood. Many people still believe that eating fruit makes you gain weight and increases your risk of type-2 diabetes. That is absolutely not true. What we know is that eating a high-fat diet does increase your risk for both those things. This is where things get interesting!

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The number on the scale…..
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

The number on the scale…..

If you are like most Americans, you dread stepping on the scale. It can cause a myriad of emotions, many of which are not positive. Since this week is National Healthy Weight Week, I thought it would be a great time to talk about why reaching a healthy weight is so important for your health. This week, we’re looking at Body Mass Index and why that’s an important number for you to know.

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Chia Pet for your heart?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Chia Pet for your heart?

Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) are considered an ancient grain and new-aged super-food. Chia seeds date back to well over 5,500 years and were the main staple of the Mayan and Aztec empires. And if it’s good enough for those bad-ass warriors, it’s good enough for me! The nutritional composition of chia seeds is where they get to be really impressive! Check out the full post for an awesome coffee and chia recipe!

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