The most real Thanksgiving article ever… 

Thanksgiving tablescape

I’ve been trying to write this blog article for about two weeks now. In my head, I had a big, grand article planned where I would share pearls of wisdom and express my overwhelming gratitude for my community of supporters through eloquently stated words.

I’ve started it about six times now, only to find myself staring at a blank page. A few words or sentences would come and then my mind would quickly get distracted.

Mindless proscrasti-scrolling would then ensue.

Needless to say, I put way too much pressure on this one article! Hello, writer’s block!

Usually, I’m not intimidated by a black page staring back at me. I like the blinking cursor. Words and their accompanied sentiment naturally flow.

Not this time!

This time, something was different. 

Have you ever noticed when you put super high expectations on yourself, it usually ends up being a total disaster? 

I bet you can relate to this when you’ve set health goals. Maybe you tried to lose weight for an upcoming wedding or vacation. Or maybe you’ve given yourself a timeline to leave your job or take on a new project.

Only you crack under immense pressure.

Been there, done that. I’m currently doing that right now!

So, you’re in good company. 

This is so meta, isn’t it? Here I’m talking about struggling to write a blog article and we can so easily relate it to your health goals. I love it when things work out!

We can talk about your health goals another day. (In fact, I would really love to talk about your health goals! Let’s schedule a time to do that!)

Let’s get back to the task at hand: Write a killer article.

Ok, let’s reframe that: Write an article.

I can do that…

This Thanksgiving, I hope you can spend some time with your loved ones and get the opportunity to express your gratitude for the love all around us. I hope you can slow down a bit, enjoy the moments, and feel inspired as the seasons change and we begin turning inward for the winter. 

I am incredibly grateful for this amazing community we’ve built over the past several years. Whether you joined this family as someone wanting to improve your health or you were drawn in by the work we do rescuing farm animals, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Being a small business owner is challenging, really challenging, especially in this climate where things are constantly changing and evolving. There’s never a shortage of things to learn. AI anyone? 😳 

But as challenging as it is, the rewards are more than I could ever imagine.

Being in the room (or virtual room) when a client has a breakthrough or makes a decision they’ve been waffling on, is simply inspiring. It’s never lost on me the amount of trust it takes to pour your heart and soul out to someone you just met on the Internet. 

It takes courage. I assure you, that is not lost on me.

More than anything, I want to thank each of you for sticking around and continuing to give me this amazing opportunity to own my own business and shape my future. 

Without each of you, my business would not exist. 

Without you, there would be no one on the other side of my Zoom screen. Those would be some very lonely calls and webinars. And there would be no reason to continue doing this.

I cannot end this article without taking a moment to express my gratitude for my amazing family and my rockstar husband. Without his support and we’ll call it “open-mindedness”, none of this would be possible. He’s my rock and I am forever grateful for his love and his belief in me, even when I don’t see it myself.

Thank you for your support and all of your kindness over the years. 

Cheers to a happy, healthy, and love-filled 2024!


Do this to lose weight


It’s starting to look a lot like…sugar season!