The one reason you didn’t hit your goal…

Woman in Bali

What if there was only one reason why you did not or are not hitting your goals? What if you could change that one thing and finally have success? What if I told you there is a solution and you can change it so you hit your goals next time? What if I told you that this solution would guarantee to make you look at your goals differently?

What would that information be worth to you? 

Would you pay thousands of dollars to learn the solution?

Would you rush to buy it? 

Does the idea of there being only ONE thing standing in your way excite you? After all, if there’s only one thing standing in your way, you can easily change it, right? Changing a million little things would be hard and probably not doable. But changing one thing? You can totally do that!

I’m actually not selling you anything today. 

Instead, I’m going to give you this amazing, life-changing information for free. 

Ok, are you ready for this?

Here is the big secret. The secret that most coaches out there won’t tell you and no one is talking about. The secret that the most successful people already have learned and implemented in their daily lives. The secret that can literally change your life…..

The one thing that is standing in your way of accomplishing your goals is….


That’s right. That’s all there is to it. You are standing in your way. 

It’s not your husband or wife. 

It’s not your kids. 

Not your boss or financial situation. 

Not the car you drive. 

It’s not….

It’s not….

It’s not….

Now, here’s a serious question for you. What would happen if you were to take 100% responsibility for your current situation?  

What if you took 100% responsibility for all the goals you set and didn’t achieve?

What if you took 100% responsibility for all the goals you set and crushed?

Here’s the thing, if you are the only one standing in your way of success (whatever success means to you), then the only way to move forward is to take 100% responsibility for your actions. 

When you don’t take responsibility for your actions, your successes, and your shortcomings, you are missing out on the opportunity to make changes to your approach. You won’t change anything the next time because it’s not YOU. It will put you in a victim mentality where nothing is your fault. And you end up blaming everyone and everything else.

That’s no place to be. No successful person got there doing that.

You are never going to be able to change other people or control what they do. That’s not your deal. So stop trying. Stop counting on others to come through for you or give you the exact situation you need to succeed. 

The only person you can change is yourself. 

You can change your beliefs around your success and what it means to you.

You can change your behaviors to support the life you want to be living. 

You can change your reactions and responses to others. 

You cannot change other people. Believe me, I’ve tried.

I’ve spent most of my adult life, and probably most of my childhood too, trying to change other people or make them fit into the models I wanted them to. Maybe you’ve done the same.

How does that serve anyone? How does expecting other people to change or to fit in those models help me get to my goals?

It doesn’t.

But what does help is when I take 100% responsibility for my life. The good and the bad. 

Let me tell you, taking 100% responsibility for the good things is often more difficult. We like to tell ourselves it was a fluke or something good just fell into our lap. I no longer believe in coincidences. Instead, I believe that what you put out into the universe is what you receive. Maybe not right away, but eventually, it happens. There will be challenges, it won’t be easy, but eventually, it happens, if you lay the groundwork.

And when it does, it’s beautiful….

As long as you’re ready to see and accept it. 

I have a little exercise for you. 

Get out a piece of paper or open a blank document on your laptop. Put your phone away so you’re not distracted. For the following two situations, you are going to write whatever comes to mind for each question. Fill up at least a page for each situation. Every time you think you’re done, ask yourself “what else?” three times. Let your brain go wild!

Situation #1: Think of a goal you set for yourself but did not achieve. Answer the following questions.

How are you 100% responsible for this outcome? 

Situation #2: Think of a goal you set for yourself and achieved it. Answer the following questions.

How are you 100% responsible for this outcome? 

Evaluation: What will you do differently the next time you set a goal?

This is one of the simple, but extremely powerful, mindset exercises I do with my coaching clients. It’s powerful because many unexpected things often come up. Those unexpected things are the things that are holding you back. That’s the gold. 

Your wonderful, beautiful brain just gave you the exact roadmap for what you need to overcome next time to reach your next goal! Gold, right?!

I would love to hear how this exercise made you feel and if you had any ah-ha moments!! Send me an email and let me know! 

Peace, love & kale!


PS - Curious about how my 6-month coaching program is the BEST solution for you? Download the sample FREE workbook here and learn more! Healthy living is a journey and I would be honored to be your guide!


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