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Healthy Eating Made Simple Webinar


Save the date! Full Bloom Acres is presenting a FREE webinar: Healthy Eating Made Simple. If you are looking to get healthy but don't want to bother with all the latest fads, fancy gizmos, and health advice that just doesn't work, this webinar is for Y O U ! ! !

OR, do you want to make some health changes but others in your family are not on board? (No shame, it happens A LOT more than you might think!) If so, this webinar is also for Y O U ! ! !

Here's what we'll go over:

  • Tips and tricks for sneaking more healthy foods into the meals you already know and love!

  • Three specific dishes that are easy to hide healthy foods in!

  • Strategies for talking to family members who are not on board with making changes!

PLUS, here's the best part! I'm bringing in a expert when it comes to not wanting to make the same changes as you - my husband! Yep, when I abruptly decided to go vegan, Craig's entire life was turned upside-down. Hear straight from him. How he handled it. What it's like being married to someone who has VERY different food preferences than you (Yep, he still eats meat!). What advice he would give to YOU, the one wanting to make changes. Tips he has on how to reframe "healthy" foods so they are more appealing to even the biggest healthy food skeptics.

PLUS, you will have the chance to ask Craig (or me!) specific questions. What have you always wanted to know? We'll also talk about how a meat-eater and a vegan can live harmoniously in the same house - and survive!

Click the button below to register!

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