What to Expect When Visiting

Planning a visit to see the animals of Full Bloom Acres? Awesome! We can’t wait to show you around and introduce you to everyone! There are a few things you should know before you head out. 

  • Our animals are part of our family.

    Please treat them with respect. Children need to follow the rules and directions. Please don’t make us ask anyone to leave. Jokes about our pigs being turned into bacon will not be well-received.

  • Children need to be accompanied by a parent or an adult at all times.

    Your children are your responsibility. Please keep an eye on them. Most of the animals are scared of fast or sudden movements.

  • Children and adults will not be allowed in the animal pens.

    We are not the same as a petting zoo. You are welcome to pet the animals through the fence, but please understand that they are animals and they can bite. Animal bites hurt.

  • Be mindful of the weather.

    If it’s raining or has rained recently, please be aware that it might be muddy. You will be walking up/down small hills and on the grass to see the animals. Please wear appropriate shoes.

  • Do not feed the animals.

    Unless Craig or I specifically assist you or your child. We carefully monitor how much each animal eats to keep them healthy, unlike most petting zoos. Any treats you plan to give the animals must be ok’d but one of us.

  • The animals particularly like apples, squash, kale, watermelon, berries, and Cheerios.

    The cats like cat treats. Feel free to bring some of these treats if you would like, totally optional, but definitely appreciated by the animals.

  • We have 3 barn cats.

    They have all their claws and only one of them really likes to be handled or petted. They love to say hi and wander around. We do not recommend you or your children try to pick them up. If you are set on taking a picture with one of them, we can help you!

  • We try to keep our property as clean as possible.

    However, the occasional pile of poop does end up outside of the pens. Watch your step! It’s a farm. There’s poop. And there’s weird smells. It happens!

  • We're happy to give farm tours!

    If you would like a tour of the farm and to learn the history of the property, just ask! We will be happy to walk you around the property, garden, and outbuildings, but we will not be giving tours of our house.


Please reach out! We want to make your time here memorable! This is a magical place and these animals are magical. Take in the magic and enjoy the relaxing environment.

Take lots of pictures, bring a picnic if you want to, and have fun!