“Healthy” people don’t have more time than you


I shared a meme a few weeks ago that really struck a chord with me. It said,

“ There’s no such thing as, ‘I don’t have enough time.’ You always have enough time. You don’t have the right priorities.”

Did you just get goosebumps? I did!

When I was going through grad school and learning how to be a nutritionist, one of the first strong stances I took was on being busy. 

It was, and still is, my belief that being “busy” is a state of mind, not reality. 

This is a bit ironic because in all honesty, up until I started my health coaching business, I have always operated on the idea that being busy was a badge of honor. It meant that I was doing life right. 

How could these two very opposing views be in me at the very same time? 

Easy. I have a human brain.

And I’m guessing you do too.

That’s why you’re here. You’re a human trying to make sense of the human experience and trying to be a little more human by feeling a little less shitty. 

I tried everything to get out of that busy mindset. 

I tried new calendar systems, pretty new planners, digital calendars, more to-do lists, brightly colored Post-it notes, voice-to-text apps, folders in folders in folders.

I thought I needed to be more organized. Surely that would help me to feel less busy, right?


In fact, trying to organize the busy actually made me more busy, less organized, and completely overwhelmed.

What’s the secret to being less busy?

Stop saying the word “busy”.

Do you catch yourself saying any of the following statements over and over to other people or maybe yourself?

“I’m good, busy, but good.”

“The kids are busy, I’m busy, we’re living the dream!”

“I’m too busy to go to the gym.”

“I would love to eat healthy but I’m too busy to be in the kitchen all day.”

Or, what’s a really big giveaway that you’re wearing the “Busy Badge” is when people ask you something by starting with, “I know you’re busy but…”

Hey, if other people are calling you out on it, they’re probably seeing something you might not be.

Let me tell you something, I’ve spent a lot of time (and money) learning from many very successful people over the past few years as I’ve started growing my health coaching practice. These people have multi-million dollar businesses and are living lavish lifestyles. 

One thing they all have in common is that they’re not “too busy” for the things that are important to them. They don’t find happiness in moving from one thing to the next to the next without taking a breath. They don’t put themselves last because they’re too busy. 

I’ve also been in rooms with very healthy people and had the opportunity to learn from many of them. 

“Healthy” people are not a different breed. They don’t have all the magical secrets or more time. And most of them don’t have any more money than you to spend on their health. The only difference between “the healthy” people and you is that they make being healthy a priority

I get it.

It’s so easy to look at someone else’s life and think that you could never be “like them” because they have more time, more money, more whatever than you do.

But that’s not really true, is it?

We’re all human. We are all blessed and cursed with the same 24 hours every day. We all just choose to use those 24 hours differently. 

I’ll let you in on another secret about “healthy” people… they didn’t get to “being healthy” by continuing to do the same things again and again, without seeing the results they wanted. 

They changed.

They pivoted.

They invested in something new.

If you want to be “healthy”, start doing the things the healthy people do. Stop doing what doesn’t work and make some changes.

Here’s another way to look at it…

If you wanted to learn to better manage your money, would you ask someone who’s living paycheck to paycheck how to manage money? Or would you learn from people who are good at managing their money?

If you wanted to be a better cook, would you ask for cooking lessons from someone who doesn’t know what an immersion blender is? Or would you seek help from someone who is a great cook?

Same goes for your health. 

If you want to be healthy, are you going to learn from people who are riddled with disease and don’t make time for their health? Or are you going to learn from someone who is healthy and can provide guidance?

That’s what I thought.

Wearing your Busy Badge isn’t a badge of honor. It’s an excuse for you to not do the things you know you need to do. 

*Read that again.*

Stop saying you’re too busy and start doing what you need to do. 

It begins with taking a look at your life. What’s working? What isn’t? And what can you eliminate altogether to give you more resources (time, money, mental bandwidth, etc.) to invest in yourself?

Those three questions are questions that healthy people have answered at some point on their health journey, and in all likelihood, have answered many times over. And now it’s your turn to answer.

Let’s GOOOOO!!!

I can help you take off your Busy Badge and start prioritizing your health. You do have time, you just need to make your health a priority. Start by downloading your FREE cheat sheet featuring my top 10 favorite superfoods. This guide will simplify your shopping list and help you always have healthy, delicious food in your kitchen.

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