No Gym? No Problem! Easy Ways to Stay Active During Your Travels


It's easy to let our health and wellness goals slip away when we're away from the comforts of home. Traveling for work or pleasure can disrupt our routines, making it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle. 

However, staying active even when you're away from home is crucial for both your physical and mental well-being. Not to mention, dealing with the guilt and frustration of trying to “get back on course” after vacay is not exactly something to look forward to!

A few months ago, I found myself in this exact situation. 

I was traveling for work one week. A few days later, my husband was traveling for work so I was in charge of all the animals and household chores. Then, a few days after he got home, we left to visit family out of state. 

Before I knew it, it had been three weeks since my last real workout! Sure, I was still walking and being active while away from home. But lifting weights? Nope. Cardio? Nope. Eating healthy? Not really.

Needless to say, I didn’t intend to not exercise. But in reality, I also didn’t intend to exercise because I didn’t have a plan. And man, was it difficult to get back into a routine once I realized what had happened!

Let's explore why it's beneficial to stay active and provide you with specific examples of how you can do so even without access to exercise equipment.



The Benefits of Staying Active on the Go

 While it might be tempting to be sedentary during your time away, there are compelling reasons to prioritize movement, even when you're not at home. All the regular benefits of exercise still apply even when you’re away:


1. Boosts your mood: Physical activity prompts the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. Even a short workout or brisk walk can elevate your spirits and combat stress and anxiety.[1]

2. Enhances focus and productivity: Engaging in exercise improves cognitive function, increasing your ability to concentrate and stay alert. This can be especially helpful when you're away and need to remain productive.[2]

3. Improves sleep quality: Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day's adventures. This is particularly important to combat jet lag and adjust to new time zones.[3]

4. Maintains energy levels: Regular exercise increases your stamina and reduces fatigue, allowing you to make the most of your time away and enjoy all the experiences available to you.[4]

5. Promotes overall health: Staying active helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity[5]. It also strengthens your immune system, helping to ward off illnesses and keep you feeling your best.


Simple Ways to Stay Active on the Go

You don't need a gym or exercise equipment to maintain an active lifestyle when you're away from home. Here are some practical suggestions to help you keep up with your fitness routine:


1. Bodyweight exercises: Embrace the power of your own body by incorporating bodyweight exercises into your routine. Simple exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks can be done anywhere, without the need for equipment. Aim for 15-20 minutes of bodyweight exercises in the morning or evening.

2. Cardio on the go: If you don't have access to a gym or outdoor space, try incorporating cardio exercises into your daily routine. Opt for activities like brisk walking, jogging in place, or climbing stairs. You can even follow along with a cardio workout video or app in the comfort of your hotel room.

3. Yoga and stretching: Take advantage of the portability of yoga and stretching routines. Pack a travel-sized yoga mat and find a quiet corner to practice basic poses or follow along with a guided yoga video. Stretching helps release tension in your muscles, improves flexibility, and promotes relaxation.

4. Explore the surroundings: Instead of relying solely on structured exercise, use your time away as an opportunity to explore your new environment. Walking or cycling tours, hiking nature trails, or swimming in the ocean are all excellent ways to stay active while immersing yourself in new experiences.

5. Integrate movement throughout the day: When you're away from home, it's crucial to avoid prolonged sitting. Take short breaks every hour to stretch, do a few jumping jacks, or walk around your accommodation. Small bursts of movement add up and keep your metabolism active.


When to Fit Movement In When You’re Away

Finding the right time to engage in physical activity while away from home can be challenging, but it's essential to make it a priority. Here are some suggestions to help you fit in exercise during your travels:


1. Start your day right: Begin your day with a quick bodyweight workout or stretching routine to energize your body and set a positive tone for the day. It can be as short as ten minutes, but it will make a noticeable difference in your energy levels.

2. Midday rejuvenation: Plan an active break during the day to combat the post-lunch slump. Take a brisk walk around the block, find a nearby park for a short yoga session, or utilize on-site fitness facilities if available.

3. Evening unwind: Wrap up your day with a calming exercise routine to wind down before bed. Gentle yoga, stretching, or a peaceful walk can help relax your body and mind, encouraging deeper and more restful sleep.


Staying active when away from home doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. By incorporating these simple suggestions into your routine, you can prioritize your well-being and stay on track with your health and fitness goals, no matter where your travels take you. Remember, your body will thank you for the extra care you invest in it, allowing you to fully enjoy your adventures with energy and vitality.

While staying active is important, so is eating food that supports your digestion. Traveling often disrupts our eating habits! Download my FREE cheat sheet of 10 superfoods for good digestion. Look for these foods while traveling and help your gut bugs have some fun, too!



1. Rodriguez-Ayllon M, Cadenas-Sánchez C, Estévez-López F, Muñoz NE, Mora-Gonzalez J, Migueles JH, Molina-García P, Henriksson H, Mena-Molina A, Martínez-Vizcaíno V, Catena A, Löf M, Erickson KI, Lubans DR, Ortega FB, Esteban-Cornejo I. Role of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in the Mental Health of Preschoolers, Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2019 Sep;49(9):1383-1410. 

2. Pham LT, Hernandez R, Spruijt-Metz D, Gonzalez JS, Pyatak EA. Movement matters: short-term impacts of physical activity on mood and well-being. J Behav Med. 2023 Oct;46(5):781-790.

3. Varrasse M, Li J, Gooneratne N. Exercise and Sleep in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Curr Sleep Med Rep. 2015;1(4):232-240.

4. Warburton DE, Nicol CW, Bredin SS. Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. CMAJ. 2006 Mar 14;174(6):801-9.

5. Pedersen BK, Saltin B. Exercise as medicine - evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Dec;25 Suppl 3:1-72.

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