Full Bloom Acres

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“New Normal”? Nope.

As we move in the new month (It’s July, in case you lost track! Lol), a lot is changing in the world around us. If you are like me, you eagerly wake up every morning to read the headlines to see what transpired overnight, while at the same time, dreading what you might find out. Talk about mixed emotions! This is a weird time.

With the coming of each new month, I have adopted the habit of taking time to reflect on the previous month’s successes and things that did not work out so well. I also try to set goals for the next few weeks for both my business and in my personal life. We adapt and we move along. This month is no exception to that practice.

It would be easy right now to give up. To say, “what’s the point?” but I think that is a big mistake. We are where we are today for a reason. For most of us, that reason is hard work. It would be easy to stop, to put things on hold, to wait and see. But then what? We cannot stop living simply because the world is crumbling around us.

We need to push forward, to persevere. When times get tough, we get tougher. At least that’s the American spirit that I was raised with. Ok, enough of the clichés. What can we do right now? Do whatever you think is right! That’s the thing, that’s what freedom is all about! But know that what you choose to do or not do, will come with consequences, whether good or bad.

Here’s what I’m doing:

I am trying my best to go about my day as if nothing has changed. My life cannot stop. My livelihood and my future depend on my ability to keep moving forward.

I am refusing to give in to this “new normal”. That is not a thing, in my opinion, and will be the downfall of life as we know it. It is accepting defeat.

I am acknowledging that things are going on that are likely not what they seem and that we may never really know the full truth. I am doing research, I am thinking critically, and I am trusting my intuition. It has steered me in the right direction so far!

I am also making sure to take a step back and truly appreciate all the good that is my life. I am proud of the life Craig and I have built together through years of hard work. We have both accomplished so much but I know the best of what we have to offer is yet to come. And that will never happen if I give up.

My challenge to you is this. Take some time to think about your current life. What has been really awesome? What could use some tweaking? What is one thing you could do to help improve someone else’s life?

If you need me, you know where to find me! Stay strong!

Peace, Love & Kale!
