
Maybe “bad news” can be good
Oftentimes, receiving a diagnosis is viewed as something bad. In some cases, it may feel like a death sentence. You may be confronted with thoughts of your mortality. Or, in less serious situations, your lifestyle, habits, and the things you have been doing to your body for years may be called into question. But sometimes, this can be a good thing. Let me explain…

Ready to get my spring on
I love the change of the seasons. Each one is so very different from the last. Each one brings a new beginning. There’s a sense of renewal in the air. The buds on the trees are popping. The irises are starting to poke through the dead leaves. And everything smells like dirt! Here’s my top five!

I jumped…and hoped like hell that I could fly
This week, one year ago, my life changed forever. This has nothing to do with the pandemic or the world shutting down in mid-March 2020. Instead, this has everything to do with taking a giant leap of faith, believing in myself, and having the support to know that this is the way things were supposed to go. It’s the week that I began my journey as a business owner in the holistic health world.

Let’s talk about a little magic!
We have known for a while that our emotions can help or hinder our body’s ability to heal from disease and even prevent some diseases from setting in. However, this is often overlooked by Western Medicine because it seems a bit “woo woo”. Let’s take a closer look.

The ah-ha moment
The ah-ha moment, no matter how big or small is special because it is a moment when a person is completely at peace. I can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. Oftentimes, there is a moment or two of silence. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes laughter. But there is always a stillness where the world seems to stop spinning, just for a moment. What does this have to do with food? Usually nothing.

“New Normal”? Nope.
We need to push forward, to persevere. When times get tough, we get tougher. At least that’s the American spirit that I was raised with. Ok, enough of the clichés. What can we do right now? Do whatever you think is right! That’s the thing, that’s what freedom is all about! But know that what you choose to do or not do, will come with consequences, whether good or bad.