The ah-ha moment

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Recently, I was asked what is my favorite thing about being a wellness coach and my response was “being part of the ah-ha moment” with my clients. You know that moment, when something clicks or where things start to make a little bit more sense. Some call it a breakthrough, some call it an epiphany, and some refer to it as the universe giving a sign. But I like to call it the ah-ha moment because it sounds more magical and special that way! And that’s exactly what an ah-ha moment is - magical, special, and oftentimes, life-changing. 

The ah-ha moment, no matter how big or small is special because it is a moment when a person is completely at peace. I can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. Oftentimes, there is a moment or two of silence. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes laughter. But there is always a stillness where the world seems to stop spinning, just for a moment. 

The funny thing is, in my practice, I may or may not be the reason for that breakthrough. I like to think that I help facilitate and set the stage for these moments to occur. Usually, it’s a combination of things, sometimes including acceptance, the release of guilt or expectations, self-confidence, or deeper understanding. But you know what it is almost always not? It’s rarely about the food. 

Let me say that again…. 

It’s rarely about the food. 

I know that might seem odd. I’m a nutritionist, I work with food. It might sound especially odd if the ah-ha moment comes to someone I’m working with who is trying to lose weight or eat healthier. But once we sort through it all, a lot of times we find it is about something else, and the food choices one makes are simply the vehicle in which that “something else” surfaces. 

Let me explain it this way. Do you listen to your body? The obvious answer is yes, of course! You eat when you feel hungry. You drink water or something else when you’re thirsty. Is that really what your body is looking for? Or are you doing those things out of habit or expectation?

Sometimes, signals of hunger may be something else. They could be a sign you are bored, thirsty, stressed, or tired. It could also be your body telling you it is hungry. If that’s the case, eat something! But if you pause for a few seconds and listen, maybe your body is trying to tell you something else. This can take some practice. But in my experience, often, it is not food that the body is asking for.

Another thing that can happen when we try to listen to the body is that those signals become so clogged up with fake or unrealistic expectations. We are constantly bombarded with messages about what it means to be healthy, beautiful, and “cool”. Some of those messages are subliminal but many are in plain sight, slapping you in the face every day of your life. These messages can be difficult to sift through and many of them are either not real or not applicable to you. It can be tough to know what’s right and what’s best. There’s only one person who can sort it all out for you.

Your body. 

Your mind.

Your heart.


When something doesn’t feel right, stop doing it. Yes, it’s important to challenge yourself and push yourself to be the best person you can be. But only to a certain extent. At some point, it starts to be fake, inauthentic, and possibly dangerous. What works for me might not work for you. 

When you start to listen to your body, your body will begin to guide you. You will start to understand why you behave the way you do and why your relationship with food is what it is. That relationship likely developed over many years or decades and it will take a bit to understand it and then modify it if needed. That is why fad diets and quick-fix diets don’t work. They don’t address the underlying issues. If you don’t have a positive relationship with food, changing your diet will only work to a certain degree. But getting to the bottom of what’s really going on can be a game-changer. 

And you know what? Your relationship with food probably has nothing to do with the actual food. 

Once you understand this concept, walls start to come down, doors open, and you can take in the light that is put out by the universe just for you. Understanding yourself is the key to letting in an ah-ha moment.

Questions? Reach out! I would love to hear about your ah-ha moment! Have a good week!

Peace, love & kale!



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