The man behind the curtain…

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So. I’m going to let you in on a little secret today. I like to come off as some type of superwoman who can do everything and anything herself. I always take on more than I can handle, and I work better under pressure (thank you adrenaline!). I don’t like to ask for help until it is absolutely the only option left. Oftentimes, I would rather stress myself out to the point of exhaustion than ask for help or to admit that I can’t do it all. (I know, it’s not my best quality and really goes against everything I teach my clients, but I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I’m my own worst client.)


I want things to look effortless. Like they just sorta fall into place. You want me to take on one more thing? No problem! You have a problem or you need some help? I’m there! There’s a course opening up that I’ve wanted to get into but have 500 other things on my plate? Sign me up! If there’s ever anything else I can do to take something off your plate or make your life easier, I will do it. No questions asked.


That is why I was able to complete my Master’s degree while working 50-60 hours a week, teaching 5+ Jazzercise classes a week, and hardly miss a beat or a family member’s birthday party or celebration. Now, things look a little different. I’m not working those kinds of hours anymore, but mentally, I’m still there. I don’t know how to turn off my brain. Yesterday, the day after the Full Bloom Acres Spring Open House, was the first time in a very long time that I had what normal people call “free time”. And let me tell you, I was horrible at it!!! I couldn’t sit still and I kept trying to figure out what I should be doing! Epic fail. Ha.


I know what you’re thinking, “This girl is C R A Z Y with a capital C!” Yep. I am. But that drive is the reason I am where I am today. And the funny thing is, my husband, Craig, is the exactly same way. It actually works out quite nicely. We both push each other to be better, do better, and follow our dreams.


Ok, back to the point of this article….


It turns out, I don’t do everything myself. I can’t. There’s no way I could do everything that I do without help. And where does that help come from? Craig. He’s the secret behind my success. When I was working my last job, doing grad school, and everything else on my plate, how could I cook dinner every night, buy Christmas gifts, grocery shop, walk the dogs, or remember to pay bills on time? I couldn’t. That’s where Craig comes in. When I get super crazy busy (or just super crazy!), Craig steps up and steps in to piece everything together. And I do the same for him when he needs it. It’s not to say we both haven’t experienced our fair share of failures or been in some pretty bad situations. We’re not perfect and our lives are not perfect. But we work really hard to learn from our mistakes and hold the other one up when we need it the most. It is the perfect partnership!


Craig is the one who gets to see my super crazy, my meltdowns, my struggles, and my tears. But he’s also the one who celebrates every one of my successes, usually with a giant vegan cookie or cupcake! At times, I think he’s more excited than I am! The only reason I can do all I do is because of him. Now, I’m all for girl power, but let’s face it, being a strong woman doesn’t mean doing everything yourself. It also means that you let others help and keep you on track to crush your goals. Very few people are successful on their own. Most people have a village behind them. Or at least a partner that supports them no matter what.


Some of the things Craig does behind the scenes of Full Bloom Acres are quite impressive. Did you know that he is the one that develops most of my recipes? Sometimes he starts them and then I complete them or it’s the other way around. Craig is a better cook than I am! Another thing Craig does is manages all things related to local, state, and federal regulations, he knows business law and negotiation, and writes my contracts. Often, I go to him with an idea, and he is the one who researches the legality of it or helps me figure out the proper channels to explore to get answers.


Craig is also the one who decides on the final designs for my big projects. Usually, I create a few different options and he is always the one who makes the final decision. He proofreads for me, helps to find advertising channels, and helps me talk through ideas by telling me when something is way too far out there or just slightly out there. I usually fall somewhere in the middle! He also has the sense to tell me when an idea will not be cost-effective so I can regroup or come back to it later. And yes, he does tell me “no”. Just not very often! Usually, he lets me figure it out on my own as any good leader does.


But the most important thing Craig does for my business is to always support me. On the bad days, he’s great at picking me up. On the days I want to quit, he gives me a pep talk. And on good days, he does a happy dance with me! Ok, not really, he doesn’t dance! But I know he’s doing one in his head!!!


If you were at our open house this weekend, you may have seen a perfect example of all this. He was the one running around greeting everyone, giving tours, playing with kids, getting people drinks, putting out food, talking up my business, telling the story of our animals, and making sure everyone had a good time, all so I could talk to people about my business and tell them about my services. There isn’t anyone in the world who will jump higher or reach further than this guy for me. Whether that means entertaining over 200 people on a Saturday afternoon at our farm or figuring out how to install security cameras in the barn so I can watch my animals anytime I want.


At the end of the day, there’s no one I would rather go on this journey with. He’s the one who has given me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and who will support me when everyone else thinks I’m crazy. If it wasn’t for Craig’s hard work, determination, and unbelievable support, Full Bloom Acres would not exist. And to him, I will forever be thankful for this opportunity.


Thank you, Craig, from the bottom of my heart. You may never know how truly appreciative I am of your love, kindness, encouragement, and companionship.


Cheers to the future of this business and the future of our relationship!


Peace, love & kale!



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