
I MADE it! Gut School Course Recap
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

I MADE it! Gut School Course Recap

Today, I thought I would give an overall recap of my time spent in Gut School by listing a few things that I wish every human being in the world would know and understand. Seem dramatic? Maybe. But that’s how strongly I believe that gut health is the key to overall human health and may be the key to our survival

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It’s not just food that’s harming your gut – Week 5 of Gut School
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

It’s not just food that’s harming your gut – Week 5 of Gut School

Week 5 of Gut School shed light on the many other things that can cause damage to the gut microbiome. Some of these may surprise you. They surprised me! But it totally makes sense when we look at our health and our bodies from a bird’s eye view. Everything is connected. Here are 6 things that are likely contributing to the damage in your gut….

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Use your freezer to be healthy
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Use your freezer to be healthy

Let’s upgrade your freezer and make sure you always have healthy food available! In this article, we’re going to talk about why and how your freezer should be your best friend in optimizing your meal planning (and prepping) efforts.

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Food restriction is not the answer - Week 4 of Gut School
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Food restriction is not the answer - Week 4 of Gut School

This goes against most of what I learned in nutrition school. Food restriction is not the answer. I’m sharing with you the basics of what I learned this week in Gut School! If you’re a person with food sensitivities, this article is for you!

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The man behind the curtain…
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

The man behind the curtain…

I’m going to let you in on a little secret today. I like to come off as some type of superwoman who can do everything and anything herself. I always take on more than I can handle, and I work better under pressure (thank you adrenaline!). I don’t like to ask for help until it is absolutely the only option left. But the truth is, there’s more to the story. There’s someone standing right by my side, encouraging me, ready to catch me if I fall, and who is my biggest fan…

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Are “healthy” foods sabotaging your weight loss?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Are “healthy” foods sabotaging your weight loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, you may be consuming a lot more fat than you realize. And no matter what health "experts" say, fat is fat. Your body doesn't care if it's "healthy" fat or unhealthy fat, it is treated the same - stored in your tissues to help get you through a famine. Fortunately for you, that famine is likely not coming. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t know that.

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Maybe “bad news” can be good
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Maybe “bad news” can be good

Oftentimes, receiving a diagnosis is viewed as something bad. In some cases, it may feel like a death sentence. You may be confronted with thoughts of your mortality. Or, in less serious situations, your lifestyle, habits, and the things you have been doing to your body for years may be called into question. But sometimes, this can be a good thing. Let me explain…

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Never stop learning!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Never stop learning!

This past weekend, I attended the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) HEALCon Conference. This was an amazing conference filled with amazing presenters and attended by amazing professionals. I wanted to share a few of my takeaways from this conference. I am going to share a lot more with you in the upcoming weeks, but this is a great overview.

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Do it for your bones!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Do it for your bones!

Osteoporosis is becoming all too common in our society. We used to blame our genes for it. But now we know that dietary and lifestyle factors also play a major role. That’s a good thing! Why? Because that means there’s a lot we can do to prevent it and help strengthen our bones even if a diagnosis has already been made.

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Ready to get my spring on
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Ready to get my spring on

I love the change of the seasons. Each one is so very different from the last. Each one brings a new beginning. There’s a sense of renewal in the air. The buds on the trees are popping. The irises are starting to poke through the dead leaves. And everything smells like dirt! Here’s my top five!

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Lindsay Little Lindsay Little


Part of what we need when changing a habit is to build our confidence. Never underestimate the pull your mind has on your physical body. But sometimes we need or want a change. Then what? You’re in the right place! Keep reading!

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I jumped…and hoped like hell that I could fly
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

I jumped…and hoped like hell that I could fly

This week, one year ago, my life changed forever. This has nothing to do with the pandemic or the world shutting down in mid-March 2020. Instead, this has everything to do with taking a giant leap of faith, believing in myself, and having the support to know that this is the way things were supposed to go. It’s the week that I began my journey as a business owner in the holistic health world.

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It’s a red flag! Are you listening?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

It’s a red flag! Are you listening?

The human body is amazing. One miraculous thing the human body can do is tell us when something is wrong. For the most part, when something is going on inside that’s not quite right, the body will send out red flags to let us know it needs help. The problem is, we often don’t listen to or recognize these calls for help. Let’s take a look at high blood pressure.

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The ah-ha moment
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

The ah-ha moment

The ah-ha moment, no matter how big or small is special because it is a moment when a person is completely at peace. I can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. Oftentimes, there is a moment or two of silence. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes laughter. But there is always a stillness where the world seems to stop spinning, just for a moment. What does this have to do with food? Usually nothing.

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Fat cells do WHAT?!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Fat cells do WHAT?!

Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, but diabetes seems to be really misunderstood. Many people still believe that eating fruit makes you gain weight and increases your risk of type-2 diabetes. That is absolutely not true. What we know is that eating a high-fat diet does increase your risk for both those things. This is where things get interesting!

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The number on the scale…..
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

The number on the scale…..

If you are like most Americans, you dread stepping on the scale. It can cause a myriad of emotions, many of which are not positive. Since this week is National Healthy Weight Week, I thought it would be a great time to talk about why reaching a healthy weight is so important for your health. This week, we’re looking at Body Mass Index and why that’s an important number for you to know.

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The Top 5 Wellness Experts You Need to Follow - Today!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

The Top 5 Wellness Experts You Need to Follow - Today!

Health and wellness are really confusing topics and there is a lot of information out there. It is unfortunate that something as basic as what to eat, something most of us do at least three times a day, has become so overwhelming and complicated. There are a lot of really great people in the holistic wellness field. Here are my top 5 wellness experts for you to check out!

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Let’s crush some goals…Finally!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Let’s crush some goals…Finally!

With every new year that comes around, you are given an opportunity for a new beginning. It’s a new chapter in the book of your life. A time to let go of things that no longer serve you and focus on things that will help you get to where you want to go. Another chance to be better, learn from last year’s mistakes and grow into this year’s version of you. So why do most people give up on resolutions by February? I’ll explain it all and let you in on some secrets from my wellness coaching practice!

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Why animals?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Why animals?

I have always loved animals. Some might say I have an unhealthy relationship with animals. All animals. I can feel their pain and other emotions. When Craig and I moved to our farm about 18 months ago, we knew we wanted to have animals, other than our four dogs. Why? Because many animals need homes.

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Tummy Troubles?
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Tummy Troubles?

This time of year can be really fun and special as we spend time with our loved ones celebrating the holidays. But it can also be a tough time for your body! All the heavy foods, wine, and way too many cookies (guilty!) can do a number on your digestive system. As your body desperately tries to keep up, you are often left feeling tired, bloated, irritable, or foggy, experience diarrhea or constipated, and maybe even like you have a food hangover. Digestive issues are no fun. Let’s do something about it!

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