What am I thankful for?


Too many things to list in this article. It’s true. 2020 was a tough year. But I have to say, it seems that 2021 was actually much more difficult for many people around the world, myself included. 

There were many days where it was just too difficult to focus on work and too easy to get lost in social media. There were many days when I felt so tiny and insignificant in a world that has seemingly lost its collective mind, I just wanted to grab the entire planet and shake it! “Get your sh&t together, man!!” 

Unfortunately, difficult times seem to make us grateful for the things we do have. If you woke up this morning, it’s a good day. And some days, many days, in fact, that is enough. 

I wanted to take some time to thank the most important person in my life, my husband, Craig. Whether or not you know Craig, if you know me at all, you do actually know Craig. Craig is one of those people who can change the world for you if you give him the chance. And that’s exactly what he does every day for me. 

Besides being a wonderful husband, a stellar performer at his job, and the most caring animal caretaker you will ever meet, his real contribution to this world is making it a better place.

When Craig used to run retail and then grocery stores, he prided himself with training and developing anyone who showed an ounce of potential. Sometimes, speaking from experience (yes, I married my boss….😜), you didn’t even know you cared enough about the job to have potential, but he somehow pulled it out of you. People want to do better and be better when they’re around Craig. 

Craig has promoted too many people to count, whether they were cashiers wanting to be shift managers or head photo specialists, or shift managers wanting to be store managers, district managers, and beyond, he had them covered. Many people’s lives will forever be changed because of his actions and his belief in them. Even in his current job, Craig is recognized by his peers, his leaders, and up to the top for his leadership skills and hard work. He’s going to be so happy I’m sharing this with all of you! 🤣

But besides all of that, my husband is the most supportive person I have ever met. He believes in me, even when I don’t. He encourages me, even when he thinks I’m crazy (happens more than you might think! 🤣). He helps me figure my way out of situations I have no idea how to navigate through. And above all, he always loves me and our family.

Everything I am today is because of Craig. He tells people that I’m the hardest working person he knows, but that's just because he doesn’t look in the mirror to see all the things he has done in this world. I work hard to make him proud. We work hard to have the life we have and the life we want. 

Nothing has been handed to us and nothing has been easy. But together, we can make the world a better place. Thank you, Craig, for taking on this world with me. 

Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours. ❤️

Peace, love & kale!



Turn Your Morning Coffee or Tea into A Health-Boosting Beverage!


Holy kale! It’s almost Thanksgiving!