Holy kale! It’s almost Thanksgiving!


In case you haven’t looked at a calendar recently, Thanksgiving is next week! Holy kale, when did that happen??? 😳 You got me. I just put away my sandals and started wearing socks again! I guess summer really is over….

No matter if we like it or not, we’re moving on into the holiday season. I always look forward to Thanksgiving. I like spending time with my family and I like that the day feels a little more laid back than every other day of the year (probably because I’m not the one doing all of the cooking! 😜)! But seriously, I like that most businesses are closed and I like that it’s socially acceptable to not do anything really productive for the day. Time seems to slow down for a bit.

For many people, Thanksgiving can be a challenge, food-wise. The traditional Thanksgiving foods - turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, ect. - are usually very heavy and filled with butter, sugar, and dairy which doesn’t make for a pleasant post-stuffing-your-face evening. There’s a reason why you feel so full and lifeless after dinner! Throw in a few adult beverages and you have a recipe for tummy troubles!

Plus, many people don’t like Thanksgiving food. If you’re not the meat and dairy eating type, you’re usually left eating a very questionable cranberry sauce for dinner. Eek. Of course, that’s not always the case. In fact my aunt and uncle who host our T-day dinner always go out of their way to make sure there’s plenty for me to eat. And, I always make sure to bring a tasty dish to pass that I feel good about eating. But either way, I still manage to eat waaayyy too much! 

For many, that’s the norm. Needing a nap after a large meal is typical on this day. As is needing some indigestion meds. Let me let you in on a little secret...all that turkey and dairy is not doing your body any favors! 


Maybe this year could be different! Maybe Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t need to have all those heavy ingredients. It can still be delicious, warm, and inviting but not ruin the rest of your day. Today, I thought I would share with you a sample menu for Thanksgiving dinner. All the recipes are from the Forks Over Knives 2021 Thanksgiving Collection. You can even download their FREE ebook with a sample menu put together by one of their chefs! No thinking involved! 

Here we go!

Lindsay’s Sample Thanksgiving Dinner Menu



Main Dishes:



Check out the full guide here. Make sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom and grab the FREE ebook!

Cheers to happy Thanksgiving planning!

Peace, love & kale!



What am I thankful for?


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