Black Bean Burgers

Black bean burger

This is my go-to black bean burger recipe. I have been using it for years and every time, it tastes better and better! I love these burgers because they are easy to make, the recipe doubles or triples easily, and they store in the freezer for quite some time. You can make the mixture smooth by processing it longer in the food processor or keep it a bit chunky by processing it less. It’s up to you! You just want to make sure the mixture sticks together nicely. 

Another way to use this recipe is to turn the mixture into meatballs instead of patties. Everything is the same, except instead of forming patties with the mixture, roll them into small balls, about 1 ½” thick. Bake them in the oven to get a bit crispy on the outside, then add to your favorite sauce or freeze them.

Makes about: 6 patties


1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

½ cup walnut pieces

¼ teaspoon ground turmeric

½ cup chopped red onion

⅓ cup chopped mushrooms

1 ½ cups cooked or 1 15-ounce can black beans

2 tablespoons tahini or almond butter

1 tablespoon ground flaxseed

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

2 teaspoons white miso paste

2 teaspoons onion powder

½ teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

Sea salt and pepper to taste


Depending on the size of your food processor, you may need to work in batches and then combine them into a large bowl at the end. 

Pulse the oats, walnuts, and turmeric in a food processor until they are finely ground. Add the onion, mushrooms, beans, tahini, and flaxseeds and pulse until well combined. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse well to mix, or transfer to a large bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. 

Pinch some of the mixture between your thumb and index finger to test whether it holds together. If the mixture is too wet, add more oats. If the mixture is too dry, add a little water, 1 tablespoon at a time.

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Divide the mixture into 6 sections. Form each section into a patty that is about 4” wide by about ½” thick. This will help to retain moisture but also help the patties cook evenly. Place the patties onto the prepared baking sheet and bake until hot and lightly browned, turning once, about 25 minutes. 

If you are going to freeze the patties, freeze them on the baking sheet for about 30 minutes to help them firm up, then transfer them to freezer bags or containers. This will prevent them from freezing to each other. When ready to eat, remove the patties from the freezer and bake in the oven at 375°F until hot and lightly browned.

This recipe was adapted from the original Black Bean Burger recipe in The How Not to Die Cookbook by Michael Gregor.


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