Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Black Bean Burgers

This is my go-to black bean burger recipe! I love these burgers because they are easy to make, the recipe doubles or triples easily, and they store in the freezer for quite some time. Or, turn the mixture into delicious meatballs to enjoy with your favorite sauce and pasta. Yum!

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Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Lentils with Roasted Roots and Thyme Mushrooms

This is a staple in our house during the cool fall and winter months! There’s so much warmth, comfort, and nutrition packed into this dish! It looks like a long list of ingredients, but it comes together fairly effortlessly. You can use any type of roots such as carrots and turnips or beets, just roast those separately so they don’t turn everything pink. You could also add some cooked quinoa and mix it in with the lentils for an extra dose of protein power!

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