5 Essential Oils for Cold & Flu Season

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Sooooo……I hate to be the one to break it to you, but winter is coming. Boo. I actually love fall and I love seeing snow. (Note, I said seeing snow not enjoying winter! There’s a difference!) I’m a “four-seasons” kind of girl. So as much as I complain about the snow, I really would miss it. With the changing of the seasons, we know all too well that another season besides winter is coming. Cold and flu season. Yikes. And to be honest, who knows what this year’s cold and flu season will bring! Since I’m kind of an essential oil nerd, I mean coach, I thought we would take a look at some essential oils powerhouses for supporting your immune system. Now is a good time to take stock of your oils and re-order any you may be running low on or think you will need to get you through the next few months. There is an increased order processing time with many companies right now.

Many essential oils are good for the immune system. Typically, I don’t like to use the theory of “this oil is good for that” because a lot of the effectiveness of an essential oil can depend on the individual. On a side note, this is also why I avoid blanket recommendations for herbs or nutrition. With that being said, the oils we are going to look at today have many other uses as well. If one oil doesn’t do it for you or if you just don’t like the smell of it, try something else with similar chemical properties.

Ok, for a hot second we are going to dig into some chemistry. But before your eyes glaze over, I am going to make this super simple. If you are into bio and organic chemistry, I can recommend some great books, but most people don’t share my fascination! Here we go!

Essential oils are effective because of their chemical make-up. The plants they are extracted from contain many natural chemicals that help to keep the plant alive and healthy. Each plant contains different concentrations of chemicals. When we extract the oil, we get to utilize those chemicals, although they do work in a slightly different way in the human body. I mean, a flower doesn’t need to stop sinus congestion, right? The chemical make-up of each plant, and therefore, essential oil, determines its uses. Once you learn the basic chemistry, it is easy to pick just the right essential oil for every situation and every person!

Here are some of my favorite essential oils for the immune system. I am also including some of their other uses and contraindications. This will help you make informed decisions about which oils will likely work best for you and your family. As always, please remember essential oils are concentrated plant medicine. Treat them like pharmaceuticals. Basic common-sense caution should be used at all times.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) – This is the superstar oil for respiratory relief. It helps to remove sinus congestion and soothe earaches. Other uses for eucalyptus oil include boosting energy and as a cleaning agent. Contraindications and precautions: Dilute before topical use. Not for internal use. Do not use or apply near the face of young children or babies as they can be ultra-sensitive.

Frankincense (Boswellia frereana, Boswellia carterii, Boswellia sacra) – The king of essential oils! One of the many uses of Frankincense oil is for immune system support and, more specifically, lung health. Other uses include joint discomfort, healthy cell development, and healthy skin. Contraindications and precautions: Frankincense is contraindicated for people with blood-clotting problems.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – Everyone knows lavender can help to support restful sleep and calm stress. This is incredibly important because the immune system is negatively impacted by stress. Research shows that those with high-stress levels and negative emotions have lower levels of natural killer cells, which are the “big hitters” when it comes to fighting infections. Other uses for lavender include balancing blood sugar, promoting healthy blood pressure, and soothing skin. Lavender is well tolerated by most people and there are no known contraindications.

Lemon (Citrus limon) – Oh lemon, what can’t this oil do?! Lemon essential oil is great for the immune system because it promotes lymphatic drainage. This helps to get some of the garbage out of the body. Lemon also helps to decrease mucus and phlegm, boosts mood, and is great for cleaning. Contraindications and precautions: Lemon oil can cause photosensitivity. Avoid sunlight for up to 12 hours after external application.

Peppermint (Mentha piperit) – Peppermint helps to promote a healthy respiratory system. It also helps to boost energy levels which can certainly tank once the days start getting shorter and the sunlight decreases. Contraindications and precautions: Peppermint can adversely interact with medications. Work with a healthcare professional if you are taking medications to ensure safety.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Other oils worth exploring include rosemary, Roman chamomile, tea tree, and orange. But this is a great starting point! Need help with how to use essential oils or want more information on their safety? Reach out! I would love to talk through it all with you! But for now, stay healthy, stay happy!

Peace, Love & Kale!




1.     Pizzorno J. E. & Murray, M. T. (2013). Textbook of Natural Medicine (4th. ed.). St. Louis, MO: Churchill Livingstone.

2.     Axe, J.  (2017).  Textbook of the Essential Oil Institute. Nashville, TN: Essential Oil Institute.


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