Meet the Animals


Brownie is the ultimate herd protector! He is the boss. Nothing happens on the farm without him knowing. You turn on a light in the house, he sees it. There’s a deer in the forest, he’s watching it. A cat walks by, he checks it out. That’s why we love him! Brownie is our only llama and joined our family on April 23, 2022. 

Brownie came from the most lovely family in south central Wisconsin where he lived with two mini horses. Although Brownie is a gentle giant, his horse friends were not his biggest fans. Brownie’s incredible parents knew that it would be best for Brownie to find a new herd, one where he could be himself and keep the peace. Luckily, they chose us!

Percy (aka Lil’ P)

This little boy, born in August 2022, lost both his parents and his other two alpaca friends when he was only 2 months old. He’s now 6 months old and was feeling sad being the only one of his kind. Alpacas are herd animals and can get depressed if solo.

Percy was becoming overly attached to his humans and needed friends. If this would have continued, he would have likely turned out similar to our Nutella, who has Berserk Llama Syndrome from that exact situation. So we were asked if we could help. 

There’s a very good chance that coming to live with us saved Percy’s life.

Percy the alpaca with Craig


Winston, Wally’s brother, is the more independent of the duo. He was also born on November 20, 2020 and came to us 8 weeks later. Winston is especially fond of cheese balls and lays down the instant you touch his side. There’s nothing a good belly rub can’t fix!

Being a kune kune, Winston is incredibly relaxed, until there’s food. Winston’s ears certainly do the talking for him! Wally has drop-dead gorgeous eyes, but Winston’s ears steal the show! They are twice the size of Wally’s!

Winston the kune kune pig


Oh Wally. Could there be a bigger momma’s boy?! Wally was born on November 20, 2020 along with his brother Winston and came to us 8 weeks later. They are kune kune pigs, which is the smallest of the pig breeds. Still, they are no teacup pigs! (FYI - there is NO such thing as a “teacup pig”, just baby or severely malnourished pigs.)

Wally and Wintson are the most chill pigs you will ever meet. They love belly rubs, snout kisses, ear scratches, laying in their pool or mud piles, rooting around the yard, and their momma! Pigs are incredibly intelligent. They both know their names and sit for treats and their food. They are so smart that they can get out of their pasture if you’re not careful and will never miss out on an opportunity to check if you left a gate unlatched!

Wally the kune kune pig


We saved Nutty’s life. This 3 year old alpaca was destined to be euthanized. Nutty was born at a petting zoo. As he grew, he became overly attached to humans, instead of his 'paca friends.

Over-handling a cria (baby alpaca) is detrimental. They lose the ability to differentiate between humans and other alpacas. It’s called Berserk Llama Syndrome (BLS) aka “Crazy Alpaca“. It is a physiological condition which causes them to become overly aggressive to humans (ie - try to mate with you).

It’s dangerous. So most alpacas with this syndrome are euthanized. Nutty passed away on August 22, 2023 in my arms.


Talk about a surprise! Baby Brandy was the first baby born at Full Bloom Acres! We rescued her parents, Ethel and Freddy, in August 2021 and Brandy popped out the day before we had the vet scheduled to come out and do an ultrasound on momma in October.

It’s difficult to imagine what would have happened to both Brandy and Ethel had we not stepped in. Check out Brandy’s full story and watch the videos of her birth below.


Billy crossed the rainbow bridge in June of 2022. Our time with him was way too short.


The ultimate rescue story! Trex came to live with us in the fall of 2022 and has been slowly becoming best friends with Wally and Winston.


Beautiful Ethel is Brady’s momma. It is a miracle that she is not only still with us, but thriving! This young lady is a fighter in every sense of the word. Including physically. Don’t stand behind her!!


Freddy is Baby Brandy’s dad. Although we separate male and female alpacas to keep everyone safe (and not become a baby factory!), Freddy still gets to see Ethel and Brandy everyday.


Dozer is our resident barn cat. We found her one cold winter day in rough shape. She was pregnant and missing lots of fur. Since we were actively looking to hire some mouse control agents, we fed Dozer to persuade her to stick around.


Benny came to us from a lovely family in Western Wisconsin along with his herd mate, Jerry.


This beautiful girl was a blue ribbon winner at a county fair back in her hay day! Unfortunately, after that, she was kept in a very unclean garage for several years. We don’t know much about the rest of Roxie’s story. We estimate that she is anywhere from 15-20 years old.


Alpaca Annie crossed the rainbow bridge in 2021. It was a tragedy and we wish we would have had more time with this sweet, quirky girl! But if it wasn’t for her passing, we never would have been in search for another alpaca which led us to rescuing Ethel, Freddy, and (the surprise!) Baby Brandy. The circle of life was completed on our farm.


Jerry is the alpha alpaca of the male herd. He is in charge at all times. He is technically a lampaca, which is a cross between an alpaca and a llama. This is why he is so much bigger than the other alpacas, yet still tiny compared to llama Brownie!