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I want to be a strong woman

Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of strong, successful women around the globe. What does it mean to be a strong woman?


Strong women come in every shape, size, color, race, ethnicity, and everything else. They all look different – different hair, different skin color, different ways of dressing. They may even speak a different language or live on another continent. They may have children or not. They may be married, in a relationship of some kind, or they may fly solo. They may work in an office or operate a machine, they may wear scrubs, they may take care of their children and their home, they may be in-between jobs, they may be the boss or CEO, or they may be just getting started. Strong women live in the city, the country, at sea, and some even without plumbing. They may have a smile on their face every day, or they may flash those pearly whites only on special occasions. They may have sweat on their brow, a tear in their eye, or a look of defeat from carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.


The thing is, none of that matters. That’s not what is important.

So, what makes a strong woman?


Strong women have a look about them. Not their clothes or their appearance or what kind of car they drive. They have a look in their eye. A look that when you see it, you know. Maybe it’s a twinkle or a sparkle, or a glimpse deep into her soul. That woman has been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. She has experience. She has had to look herself in the eye and question her next move. She’s had to give herself a pep talk, or twelve, and told herself some harsh realities. She may have fallen, but she got back up. She may be brand new, but life has taught her enough to know that nothing can stop her.


Strong women have a fire within. A will for getting there, wherever “there” might be. She knows what she wants. She might not know how to get it, but she will figure it out. She knows she doesn’t want to fail but she understands that failure is the only way to learn. She looks a challenge dead in the eye and walks forward. On the inside, she may be trembling, shaking, or even crying, but on the outside, you would never know. You may never see her struggles because she won’t let you. But they’re there. All strong women have them.


Strong women are not perfect, and they don’t claim to be. They make mistakes, they have flaws, they have things they don’t love about themselves. They have likely been at the bottom, but many have also been on top. Some have yet to make it there, but they will. Someday, they will. Because failure isn’t an option for strong women.


Strong women support those around them. They are the cheerleaders. Maybe they are loud, clapping and yelling from the sideline. Maybe they are silent but will be there the moment you need them. They are the ones in your corner. The ones we can turn to when things go to hell. It may be a phone call, a text, or even a silent look, but it’s there. We know it is. Strong women support other women.

Strong women challenge others to be their best. Not her best. But your best. Strong women understand that everyone is different. What is best for her is not best for you. But you can be damn sure that she will surround herself with only the best. She will blow your expectations out of the water. And when you’re around her, you will blow your own expectations out of the water. And when you fall, if you’re lucky, a strong woman will be by your side to pick you up and dust you off. Because she has been there. And chances are, it was another strong woman who picked her up and dusted her off.


Someday, you will repay the favor. You will inspire another woman to be her best. To challenge herself to exceed all expectations. To push herself to new limits. You will be the image that keeps her going. You will be there to cheer her on. Every step of the way. But especially, when times are tough and there seems to be no way out. You will be there to celebrate her successes and dust her off when she falls. Because that’s what strong women do.


To all the strong, courageous, beautiful women in my life, thank you. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my reason I push to be the best version of me. My life would not be the same without each and every one of you. I hope to one day carry the torch and be that strong woman who will inspire another woman to reach for the stars.


Keep being awesome!


Peace, love & kale!
