
May 17, 2019 - The day a dog changed my heart
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

May 17, 2019 - The day a dog changed my heart

Today is a special day in my life. May 17, 2019, was the day that Craig and I moved into our current house that has since been named Full Bloom Acres. On this day, we took on something I never thought I could take on and I will never be the same.

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Ready to get my spring on
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Ready to get my spring on

I love the change of the seasons. Each one is so very different from the last. Each one brings a new beginning. There’s a sense of renewal in the air. The buds on the trees are popping. The irises are starting to poke through the dead leaves. And everything smells like dirt! Here’s my top five!

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Lindsay Little Lindsay Little


Part of what we need when changing a habit is to build our confidence. Never underestimate the pull your mind has on your physical body. But sometimes we need or want a change. Then what? You’re in the right place! Keep reading!

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I want to be a strong woman
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

I want to be a strong woman

What makes a strong woman? Strong women have a look about them. A look that when you see it, you know. Maybe it’s a twinkle or a sparkle, or a glimpse deep into her soul. That woman has been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. She has experience. And when you fall, if you’re lucky, a strong woman will be by your side to pick you up and dust you off. Because she has been there. And chances are, it was another strong woman who picked her up and dusted her off.

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I jumped…and hoped like hell that I could fly
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

I jumped…and hoped like hell that I could fly

This week, one year ago, my life changed forever. This has nothing to do with the pandemic or the world shutting down in mid-March 2020. Instead, this has everything to do with taking a giant leap of faith, believing in myself, and having the support to know that this is the way things were supposed to go. It’s the week that I began my journey as a business owner in the holistic health world.

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Let’s talk about a little magic!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Let’s talk about a little magic!

We have known for a while that our emotions can help or hinder our body’s ability to heal from disease and even prevent some diseases from setting in. However, this is often overlooked by Western Medicine because it seems a bit “woo woo”. Let’s take a closer look.

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Let’s crush some goals…Finally!
Lindsay Little Lindsay Little

Let’s crush some goals…Finally!

With every new year that comes around, you are given an opportunity for a new beginning. It’s a new chapter in the book of your life. A time to let go of things that no longer serve you and focus on things that will help you get to where you want to go. Another chance to be better, learn from last year’s mistakes and grow into this year’s version of you. So why do most people give up on resolutions by February? I’ll explain it all and let you in on some secrets from my wellness coaching practice!

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