Gut Class - Week 1 will blow your mind!

We are more non-human than we are human. Let that sink in for a minute….

More microbes living inside us or on us than we have cells in our bodies. I’m talking particularly about our gut microbiome - all those guys living inside your digestive tract, in particular, in your large intestine or colon. At least 39 million microbes are living inside you. 

Before you get grossed out, stick with me. 

We could not survive without this diverse system comprised of bacteria, parasites (yes!), archaea, fungi and yeast, and viruses (YES!). There are some good guys and some bad guys (which is a total over-simplification of that process since even the bad guys serve a purpose, but it’s much easier to explain in these terms). When the good guys are healthy, they will outnumber the bad guys and help create a really beautiful balance that keeps you ALIVE.

That’s not an over-exaggeration. I know, it seems dramatic, but it’s really not. 

Damage to the gut microbiome can lead to autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, decreased neurological and cognitive function, and many other bad things. A damaged gut is also clearly connected to autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. This is not something small we’re talking about here….

We are literally talking about the future of human health! Our current medical system and how it handles chronic conditions is seriously outdated. There, I said it. Now, acute medical care on the other hand, such as if you’re in an accident or have a heart attack, we’re top on the list! There’s no other place I would rather be should that happen. But in terms of preventative care, we’re not doing so hot as a country.

Did you know that it takes an average of 17 years from the time a research study is published in the medical literature before the typical doctor will begin to understand it and implement those findings into their practice. 17 years!!!! That means the doctor you are currently working with is likely still stuck in 2004. You may be receiving care suited for 2004, not 2021. I don't know about you, but I want the state-of-the-art knowledge working for me!

That’s not the doctors’ fault (entirely). It’s just the way our healthcare system is set up. 

Here’s the thing, your gut, your body, and your life cannot wait 17 years. You have an incredible life to live, right now. No one wants to wait for the medical community to catch up. 

What can we do about it?

Think outside the box. There are so many wonderful professionals out there doing all they can to sift through the literature, implement their programs based on the new knowledge they find, utilize older research as a starting point, and then share all they can with whoever will listen. There’s also a lot of really bad advice circulating right now, which makes it confusing. But at the end of the day, we have to follow the science. Believe me, I know that’s difficult to do with everything that has happened in the name of “science” over the last year or so, but I still have full faith in the legitimate scientific community. 

This is where I come in. 

I’m fascinated with the gut. So much so, I’m currently working on my certification in Plant-Based Gut Health from Dr. Will Bulsiewitz, gastroenterologist and gut microbiome expert. I just finished up week 1 (yep, I’m a tad behind already!) and thought I would share with you what I’m learning. 

I cannot wait to bring all the knowledge I’m learning to my clients and anyone who will listen! This has the potential to be truly life-changing!

Week 1 Take-Aways:

  1. How to explain the function and anatomy of the gut. 

  2. Understand the types of microbes in the gut and their functions, including bacteria, fungi and yeast, parasites, archaea, and viruses.

  3. Basic strategies for improving gut health and to facilitate healing - empower the good guys.

  4. Why eliminating foods can actually be bad for the gut and cause damage or more problems.

Does any of this sound interesting to you? Stay tuned! There is so much more to share! Get ready for more information to come in the next few weeks.

Come along with me on my journey! I’m not only working on implementing several of these strategies into my own gut-healing plan (after all, I’m my own experiment!), but I’m soaking everything in so I can bring it to you! It’s time to spread the word on gut health! 

Cheers to happy and healthy microbes!

Peace, love & microbes!


Check out Dr. B on Instagram or his website!


Gut School - Week 2 - DYSBIOSIS


I bought the food, now what?