The Top 5 Wellness Experts You Need to Follow - Today!

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Health and wellness are really confusing topics and there is a lot of information out there. It is unfortunate that something as basic as what to eat, something most of us do at least three times a day, has become so overwhelming and complicated. But that’s where we are and that’s why I chose to go into this field. I want to be part of the solution and to help people sort it all out. We need some simplification!

There are a lot of really great people in the holistic wellness field. I get a lot of my ideas from them and have spent a lot of digging to ensure the information they share is safe, reliable, and truthful. Although no one is perfect since our knowledge of the human body is really in its infancy, everyone on this list does a great job of providing credible, relevant health information and I encourage you to check them out and follow their work!

Note, I am in no way affiliated with any of these people and am not being compensated in any way for this post. I simply want to provide additional resources for you to help you make the best decisions for your health. There are many more people out there doing great work, this is merely a starting point for you.


1.     Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Greger shares evidence-based nutrition information. Everything is fully referenced and based only on articles published in scientific literature. He covers topics from women’s health to individual “superfoods” to weight-loss and everything in between. Dr. Greger has also written several books including two of my favorites, How Not to Die and How Not to Diet.


2.     Kris Karr

Kris was diagnosed with a rare, incurable stage IV cancer in 2003 and is thriving! She is an expert in all things health and wellness. Kris has a great blog where she shares healthy recipes, debunks health information, provides support for those battling cancer and their families, and talks about her life. Kris is a best-selling author and one of Oprah’s Most Influential People. She is definitely one to watch!


3.     Chris Wark

Chris was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003 and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. He is another inspiring wellness guru that shares his experiences with the world in a powerfully motivating way. On Chris’s website, he shares lots of information on health, wellness, and natural therapies. He also posts interviews with top experts in these fields as well as inspirational cancer survivors.


4.     Dr. Will Bulsievicz (aka Dr. B or the Gut Health MD)

Dr. B has been a practicing gastroenterologist for the past 14 years with a strong focus on medical research. He is the reason I am obsessed with fiber! Dr. B helps his patients, readers, and followers improve their gut microbiomes and finally feel like themselves! His advice is always easy to follow and understand, as well as always backed by medical research. Follow Dr. B – your gut will thank you!


5.     Dr. Michael Klaper, MD

Dr. Klaper is a practicing physician, speaker, and educator. His work focuses on using plants as a vehicle for good health. Dr. Klaper is very active on social media and shares lots of great information on healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. His advice is simple, realistic, and fully referenced to ensure it is up to date with the most current medical research.

So, there you go! If you need some positive people to follow on social media or are looking for places to get great health information, these would be my top recommendations. Like I said above, this list could go on and on because there are so many people doing really great work out there. But I wanted to keep it short!

If you are looking for specific information on a specific topic, let me know, and I would be happy to make some recommendations! You know where to find me!

Peace, love & kale!



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