What to do next on your health journey


Have you ever wondered what to do next on your health journey? Or where to start? 

Today’s article is a little different than the typical ones you will find here. I’m taking you inside my one-on-one virtual coaching practice to talk about how I work with busy women, just like you.

Before we get into it, I think it would be helpful to answer the most obvious question. Who do I work with? 

I help busy women over 40 eat the foods they love without feeling like sh*t. 

My clients have lost significant amounts of weight, worn clothes that haven’t fit in years, resolved embarrassing digestive issues, brought their periods back, stopped hot flashes and night sweats, and learned to love their bodies and their lives, just to name a few common results.

They have learned how to show up for loved ones (and themselves!) in a new way. 

They learned to plan and cook delicious, healthy meals their kiddos and husbands love. 

They resolved pain and inflammation so they could play on the ground with their grandkiddos and walk a 5k. 

They got off several medications and reversed chronic diseases.

They stopped feeling “tired and wired” and as if they were about to explode if one more thing went wrong. 

And they all learned how their bodies work and why what they’ve been doing in the past doesn’t work.

Perfect. So now, let’s get into it…

Beginning the choose-your-own-adventure that comes with working towards your health goals feels kinda like a really intense game of Chutes and Ladders. You might get lucky and you might not, but chances are, you’re landing on the super loooong slide that brings you right back to square one at some point. 

Man, that slide is the worst!

Guess what? I have a secret.

I have the cheat codes for all the ladders. 

I can get you to the top faster and easier than you can on your own. But, here’s the deal, in order to get the codes, you have to take the first step. 

I’m not actually talking about winning a board game here. I’m talking about your health and how you can win at the real-life game called Your Health!

Side effects of my coaching program include things like weight loss, balanced hormones, and resolved digestive issues, such as painful gas and bloating. You know, those things I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

I do this by identifying the root problem, simplifying my client’s health routines, and developing a detailed plan that is simple to follow. 

The first step to getting those cheat codes is to book a free consultation call

How do you know if you should book a call with me?

You’re a good candidate for a consultation call if: 

❌ You’re embarrassed to talk about your issues with your friends or spouse. 

❌ Your doctor ISN’T addressing your concerns or simply shrugs them off as “normal” when you know they’re not.

❌ You lay awake at night wondering if it will ever get better.

❌ Your pain and discomfort stop you from going out with friends, wearing that sexy little black dress, or trying to lose the extra weight.

❌ You avoid the camera and shrink down when someone says, “Bring your swimming suit!”

❌ You feel like a “mess” or “broken” or you read like a laundry list of unrelated symptoms. 

Do you remember my client, Dana? I shared her story a few weeks ago in another article. She felt many of these feelings when she came to me. Through my coaching program, Dana lost over 30 lbs, resolved her painful digestive issues, and walked a 5k pain-free! Click here to read Dana’s story!

If you’re suffering from these issues, a consultation call is square one on the gameboard of your health. 

*Full disclosure: This is not for you if you’re looking for a magic pill, a quick fix, or someone to do all the work for you. This also isn’t going to be a good use of your time if you’re not looking to invest money and time in your health and just want free, generic health advice.*

I help busy women change their lives, and girl, it takes time and effort to get it done. You didn’t get here overnight, you’re sure as hell not getting out of it overnight either.

But here’s the best news of the day.

The clients who work with me one-on-one get to their goals faster, easier, and with less of the, “Oh shit, I don’t know what to do next” feeling. 

Or if we’re keeping with the Chutes and Ladder theme, less temper tantrums, throwing the board, and storming out of the room.

(I might not be the best loser…🤪)

Why should you book a “consultation call”?

In this 50-minute call, I will help you decide if coaching is right for you. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea but there’s a very good chance I’m yours because you’re reading this article (thank you by the way!)

During this call, we’ll chat about your health goals, your symptoms, and what has worked and has not worked for you in the past.

There’s no need to prepare anything for the call. You show up as the beautiful, strong woman you are and let me do the heavy lifting. 

I will lead the call. I will listen. I will ask (the best!) questions. And I will ensure you feel heard.

Why will this be the best, most mind-blowing 50 minutes of your life?

By the time we hang up, you will feel heard, comforted, and have a new sense of hope that there is a solution, you are not a mess, and know you can do this.

I know, because those are the three things almost every single woman says at the end of her consult call. 

You will say that too.

After you share your hopes and dreams (and health goals!) with me, I will tell you how I can help make your dreams a reality. Problem-solving and clarity begin on this very first call.

I will recommend a customized coaching plan based on your unique situation.

Is your doctor doing that for you? Kale no. I’m not a doctor and I won’t treat you like a number, or worse yet, like a dollar sign.

This is NOT like anything you’ve ever experienced. You will know exactly what to do next and exactly what to do after that. You are unique and your health plan should be, too!

You will learn exactly why the things you’ve been busting your hump doing for all these years aren't working and what to do instead.

You will learn what things you can give up because they waste your precious time, money, and energy.

And you will learn where to double down to get the best results.

How do you get started?

See that shiny blue link right here? It’s calling out your name. “Heeeey! Click me!” Do you hear it? Listen closely, it’s probably screaming at this point. Click that baby to book your consultation call. There’s also a button just a few lines down you can click.

Then, through the magic of the Internet, you will be taken to the page with my calendar. Pop in your info. And then do a happy dance!

YOU just took the first step! YAY for you! 

Stop waiting for a sign. THIS is your sign. The universe, or a very savvy friend, sent you here for a reason. 

You don’t need to have the answers before you book this call.

You don’t need to already be eating healthy or already on a killer exercise program.

You don’t even need to like kale.

I will help you do those things. I will meet you where you are. And no, eating kale is not required (although it is highly recommended!). 

Let’s do this, my friend. 

Your future self, the version of you that loves how she looks in pictures, who no longer struggles to get up off the floor when playing with her grandkiddos, who knows exactly what delicious meal to cook tonight, will thank you. 

Let her thank you.

I can’t wait to see your name pop up on my calendar. Talk soon!

Peace, love & kale!



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