Sometimes the uphill battle isn’t a battle at all…
One of the most common barriers my clients and people, in general, tell me is that they want to make lifestyle or dietary changes but their husband/wife/children/family/ect would never be on board with it. Sometimes it feels like it’s not even worth trying. In today’s article, I interviewed my husband, Craig, who has been on the other end of dietary changes! Check out this candid interview!
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, nobody wants to arrive at their destination feeling under the weather. In this article, I’m going to share with you my favorite wellness practices to boost your immune system and support your nervous system before, during, and after travel!
Some “accidental” great health recommendations
So, I think we can all agree that the government has been giving us some pretty bad “guidance” or “recommendations” or whatever you want to call them, over the past two years. Much of this has not been based on science. But today, I wanted to highlight one recommendation that was recently presented that is probably the most helpful piece of advice they have given out in a very long time. Eat lentils.
The 10 essential tools and utensils every healthy kitchen needs
In an effort to save money and not waste it on another kitchen utensil that would sit in the back of the drawer, I put off purchasing many utensils for quite a while. I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long! I know, money is tight for many of us so making new purchases might not be realistic right now. But just know that these items are going to make your healthy cooking so much easier! The time and frustration they save alone may quickly pay for them! I am going to share with you today are my top 10 essential tools and utensils for a healthy kitchen.
The Negative Effects of Blue Light from Electronics and What to Do
The topic of blue light from electronics has been trending and it’s time we dive into its facts and myths! In this article, we’re going to cover blue light basics, how it affects your health, and what you can do to protect yourself.
Being a woman is NOT a symptom…
March is both National Nutrition Month and Endometriosis Month! We’re going to look at this condition through the nutrition lens since the two seemingly unrelated topics are actually quite intertwined. Endometriosis (aka “endo”) is one of the most common hormone-related conditions. It affects an estimated 1 in 10 women and can start as early as our teen years. It’s time to bring hormonal imbalances into the light!
What’s the deal with meal prepping?
When we are hungry, rushed, and tired, we don’t make good food choices. There’s no way around it. It’s just easier to grab a protein bar or bag of chips when you’re rushed and running out the door. We will eat what’s available and what we can get in our mouths with the least amount of effort. But this is where having a plan and healthy foods prepped and ready to go can not only save you time, but also frustration and money!
How to Amplify the Benefits of Collagen
Did you know that collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body? It’s in your muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, skin, intestinal lining, and other connective tissues. Think of collagen as the glue that holds your body together!
In today’s blog article, we’re diving into collagen including where you find it, how to get it into your body, and the potential benefits. Plus, I give two brand recommendations for collagen supplements, one of them is 100% plant-based!
How to Prepare Your Food for Better Digestion and Absorption
Did you know that the way you prepare your food may have an impact on your digestion? And that some foods have anti-nutrients that impede their absorption? In today’s article, we’re going to talk about three of the most ancient and economical methods of food preparation that will improve the digestion and absorption of your food’s nutrients.
Baby Steps
I know your type. You like to set big goals for yourself. You like to reach for the stars and you don’t let anything stand in your way. You can and do do it all. You wear a million different hats and are the point person on a million different projects (or people!). You work hard and play harder. I know your type because you are just like me. In this new blog post, I'm digging into why it's so hard to make changes, how to reframe your mind, and empower you to make a shift in your perspective.
My love/hate relationship with caffeine
Oh, caffeine. I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff. Caffeine is quite possibly one of the things that kept me going through college (and a good Shakira song!). You can’t stay out until 4:00 am and be up for work by 6:00 without a little help! Ugh. The good ol’ days! How much caffeine is okay? Let’s take a look!
The Winter Blues
The Winter Blues. Ugh. You know those feelings that creep up during the winter months – sadness, loss of interest, weight gain, not wanting to socialize or do the things you used to enjoy, sleeping more, or feeling unmotivated or uninspired. These can all be signs of the winter blues. What can you do to turn that frown upside down?
Don’t just trust everything I say….
I don’t want you to read something I post or hear something I say and then go do it. I am an expert in my field. But there’s a difference between blindly following everything that I say just because I am an expert and taking the information I provide and doing your own research to come to your own conclusions. Let me explain…
Let’s crush some goals!
New Year’s Resolutions….. How does that term make you feel? Excited? Inspired? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Everyone has their own take on New Year’s Resolutions. Being healthy in today’s world is not easy. Not because we don’t know how, but because we are so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information out there - most of which is either someone’s opinion or just cleverly portrayed marketing materials designed to get you to spend more money. It’s frustrating. This week, I’m making it simple! Let’s set you up to crush some goals!
Turn Your Morning Coffee or Tea into A Health-Boosting Beverage!
Calling all coffee and tea lovers! This article is for you if you’re interested in turning your morning cup of joe (or tea) into a nutrient-dense and health-boosting beverage.
What am I thankful for?
What am I thankful for? Too many things to list in this article. It’s true. 2020 was a tough year. But I have to say, it seems that 2021 was actually much more difficult for many people around the world, myself included. Let’s focus on the happy! I am thankful for the most important person in my life - my wonderful husband!
Holy kale! It’s almost Thanksgiving!
No matter whether we like it or not, we’re moving on into the holiday season. I always look forward to Thanksgiving. I like spending time with my family and I like that the day feels a little more laid back than every other day of the year (probably because I’m not the one doing all of the cooking!)! Check out this Nutritionist-approved Thanksgiving menu for some plant-y and delicious inspiration!
Four Ways to Boost Your Longevity
Did you know that a recent study published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine found that adherence to a healthy lifestyle is directly associated with a lower risk of mortality? Let’s take a look at four of the areas that affect longevity most and some specific changes you can make in the next two weeks.
The circle of life has been completed
Surprise! Ethel was pregnant! Take a look at her beautiful baby girl! This is Ethel’s story. Luckily for her, and her new baby, it’s only just beginning!
“You spent HOW much at the grocery store?!”
Here in the United States, across most categories, food prices are already soaring. Major grocery stores report that they will be raising prices on ALL products soon and many have already started. Now’s the time to come up with some strategies to save some Benjamins. Here are a few tips….